Re: The value of direct inspection (was: Re: --initdb)

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On Saturday, 02 December 2006, at 22:54:08 (-0500),
Tony Nelson wrote:

> Are you interpreting "create a new database" as "do nothing if the
> database exists"?  Some of us interpret it as "create a /new/
> database", which new database must needs replace the old database.
No, he's interpreting it as "create a new database if needed."  You're
interpreting it as "create a new database regardless," assuming my
translation of your nonsensical last clause is accurate.

> That may help, though for the next couple of years people will still
> come to the lists and ask what happened to it, even if RPM's man
> page is changed to say that the database files are created lazily
> nowadays.

Yes, there will always be nitpickers who like to cause trouble where
none is needed.  Fortunately, Jeff is used to it.

> >Of course that won't make any differnce at all, users will think I'm
> >depriving them of some feature.
> Heh.  Well, you are.

Either you're kidding, or you're extremely dense.  He is NOT depriving
users of a feature.  He's removing an option that does nothing.


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  <mej@xxxxxxxxx>
n + 1, Inc.,       Author, Eterm (
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