In all honesty, I believe there is a project that has a much better installer for Debian. My statement wasn't so much a jab at Debian as it was a cheap opportunity to use that analogy <grin>. But it is difficult for the average person to install. Much like Slackware and FreeBSD. It's like saying masterbating with your elbows is no more difficult than doing so with your feet or knees. But alas, none are "easy." :) <<JAV>> ---------- Original Message ----------- From: Craig White <craigwhite@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxx Sent: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 12:42:21 -0700 Subject: Re: The end of RHL for private use? [was: Fedora vs. RHL] > On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 11:38, Joe Polk wrote: > > Debian? Not with that attrotious installation routine. It's like masterbating > > with your elbows. Sure, it's technically possible but why do it? > > > ---- > I have never installed Debian but it can't be that hard - I've > gotten a little exposure to apt-get via (thanks > Mathias) and it seems to be a fairly nice method of handling things. > > I was thinking that fedora might offer Mathias a method for distributing > updates for a reasonable cost and make some money for himself but if > the cycles are short and built for cutting edge rather than > stability/backported patches etc., then it probably isn't the best > way to go. > > I'm not gonna espouse the virtues of Debian because many people can > articulate it so much better than I can. I learned on Red Hat, I am > comfortable with Red Hat but I don't sense the value of RHEL - given > my one experience for support was rather weak - the dreaded Intel 440GX > motherboards - and that has been a difficult problem for Linux in > general anyway. > > I can see the point of RHEL - offices with weak sysadmins but that ain't > me. > > Craig > > -- > Shrike-list mailing list > Shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxx > ------- End of Original Message ------- -- Shrike-list mailing list Shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxx