Computer Hang-ups. Nothing happens. No error message.
At 08:51 2003/06/07 -0500, you wrote:
On Sat, Jun 07, 2003 at 01:25:09PM +0800, Ciba LO wrote:
> Hello All Shrike-list Members,
> I have installed a new copy of RedHat 9.0 workstation with all the package
> groups on my IBM Aptiva. My IBM Aptiva is a multiboot computer of
> Windows98SE/MSDOS/RedHat Linux. The RedHat installation was successful
> with the RedHat GRUB boot loader on /dev/hda9. And it has been working
> okayed for more than one month. Now I cannot boot up the RedHat
> Linux. But I can enter the Linux root partition, /dev/hda10, via "linux
> rescue" booted from the shrike install disc 1. Obviously, the boot
> partition is corrupted. I have no idea how I make it corrupted, because
> both the Windows98SE and the MSDOS are working fine.
> Is it possible to restore the boot partition from the shrike install disc 1?
> Please help!!!
> Thank you very much for your assistance.
It would help to know what errors you get when to try to boot linux.
Is it possible your /boot/grub/grub.conf file has an error? If you have any doubt, why don't you post it here?