I have installed a new copy of RedHat 9.0 workstation with all the package groups on my IBM Aptiva. My IBM Aptiva is a multiboot computer of Windows98SE/MSDOS/RedHat Linux. The RedHat installation was successful with the RedHat GRUB boot loader on /dev/hda9. And it has been working okayed for more than one month. Now I cannot boot up the RedHat Linux. But I can enter the Linux root partition, /dev/hda10, via "linux rescue" booted from the shrike install disc 1. Obviously, the boot partition is corrupted. I have no idea how I make it corrupted, because both the Windows98SE and the MSDOS are working fine.
Is it possible to restore the boot partition from the shrike install disc 1?
Please help!!!
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Ciba LO<cibalo@xxxxxxxxx>
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