RedHat (or Gnu?) does things differently. Copy (or symlink) ~/.Xdefaults to ~/.Xresources. If you look in /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession (the file used to start all sessions), you'll find it's looking for .Xresources instead of the old .Xdefaults at session startup.
I don't know why this changed (anyone?) - CDE desktops still use .Xdefaults. -Bob Arendt
Harry Putnam wrote:
Neil Bird <neil@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
I never found they worked properly under Solaris when I tried them, so I used (& continue to use under Linux) XAPPLRESDIR. YMMV.
I haven't tried either yet but just experimenting here, I moved my old .Xdefauts into ~/, backed clear out to a console login, restarted X only to find my .Xdefaults are completely ignored.
I don't see anything in the starx output that indicates an error or anything, but none of my settings are honored.
I'm running xfce4 as desktop and window manager, but .Xdefaults
should be noticed ... right?
What would be blocking that old standby?