Hi Randy and Doug,
does the bigmem kernel also work with dual processors? Note that memory is recognized by the kernel, however, machine runs unstable. I currently have smp kernel installed.
At 08:53 AM 2/17/2003 -0600, you wrote:
Dimitri Deserranno wrote:
Have you tried the "bigmem" kernel?
That sounds just like me. I guess there is nothing else to do besides working with less than 2Gb, right? Any experiences with 1.5Gb? Are your stable systems also dual Athlons? What system would you recommend for 2Gb RAM?
Thanks, Dimi.
At 01:39 PM 2/16/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>>>>> "DD" == Dimitri Deserranno <ddeserranno@yahoo.com> writes:
DD> However, with 2Gb RAM my system locks up during the install.
I have three dual Athlon systems which are stable with 1GB of RAM but
will lock up randomly with 2GB. I have other systems which are
perfectly stable with 2GB. Linux is fine; the hardware is just
Psyche-list mailing list
Dimitri Deserranno, PhD candidate
Department of Biomedical Engineering - Case Western Reserve University
Email: dimitri.deserranno@cwru.edu
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine - Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Phone: (216) 444 - 5315
Email: deserrd@ccf.org