Stride=32 Using the example. md0 and md1 are RAID1, md2 is RAID5 RAID1 does not have a strip size. Therefore stride=anything would be wrong, but may not hurt, not sure. Filesystem gods watching? md2 has 4 disks with a chunk size of 128K. Since only 3 disks are used for data, and the filesystem block size is 4K, the stride size should be 128*3/4, or 96. Change: mke2fs -b 4096 -R stride=32 /dev/md2 To: mke2fs -b 4096 -R stride=96 /dev/md2 Hay, I may be wrong! I have never noticed the stride option before 5 minutes ago! 10 - 15 minutes now. Got to type faster! :) If I misread, or misunderstood anything, please correct me fast!