Re: sendmail to remote host?

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--- On Wed, 6/16/10, steve miller <steve@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: steve miller <steve@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:  sendmail to remote host?
To: php-objects@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 11:31 PM



      I have website at godaddy that only allows 1000 relays through their  

mailserver per day.

We have a cart that sometimes sends out over 1000 order confirmations  

when we run a free product or free promotional sale, and the  

mailserver hits the limit.

It currently uses php mail() or a php-based smtp mail script.

Short of paying for a dedicated server or moving to a new host, does  

anyone know if it is possible to configure them to send the body,  

subject, and headers to a remote mailserver or service that will send  

them out?

Any ideas would be appreciated!







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