Lin Yo-an wrote:
It’s right to let HTTP server do the routing and get best performance, but doing this way increases the complexity of including libraries (include path problem). for example, you have a directory structure which has 4+ levels, when you changing one of them to elsewhere, you need to modify all include paths one by one, and you need to trace all files that used the changed file.
It is that 'claim' which I find very confusing since properly designed you do
not need to go 4 levels deep if the system is designed right initially. It's
this which creates complexity, when a single 'external' library directory should
encapsulate all the third party material. It's all this 'automatic loading'
which is creating the complexity when a simple fixed structure would speed up
even that process. But then my database is the persistent layer and the bulk of
the content is maintained in the database cache.
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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