Stuart Dallas wrote:
Tedd Sperling wrote:
>>This reminds me of an oversea's client I had where they wanted to enter the American market with their Pet Shampoo. I told them they may want to pick a different domain name, but they insisted that they had properly investigated the market and had made their choice of "".
>>A year later, they contacted me and said they finally understood what I was talking about.
>FCKEditor is another higher profile example …
A good documentation of the problem explaining why what seems like a bit of a
joke can backfire?
I'm of an age where the Windows DDK came on a stack of floppy disks. It was
quite irritating to read some of the jokes and fowl language that were spread
through the code. Something that would not be allowed these days as we can all
review the code bases. Care in the choice of names is even more important these
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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