Re: Beginner Tutorials for using CLASSES in PHP4

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On 10/9/07, Robert Cummings <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> $sucker = new TryToViolateEncapsulation();
> $sucker = (array)$sucker;
> $keys = array_keys( $sucker );
> $sucker[reset( $keys )] = 500;
> $sucker = serialize( (object)$sucker );
> $sucker = 'O:25:"TryToViolateEncapsulation"'.substr( $sucker, 14 );
> $sucker = unserialize( $sucker );
> print_r( $sucker );
> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> Maybe next time you'll have a challenge for me ;) And don't whine about
> how I achieved what I did.
That's a bit disturbing. Ok, while we're bending things a bit, I'll
make it a *little* tougher. :-)

class TryToViolateEncapsulation {
    private $someInt = 0;

    const MAX_INT = 100;
    const MIN_INT = 0;

    public function getSomeInt() {
       return $this->someInt;

    public function setSomeInt($someInt) {
        $success = false;                  // assume failure
        $someInt = (int) $someInt;
        if($this->isValid($someInt)) {
          $this->someInt = $someInt;
          $success = true;
        } else {
        	throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid value passed to

        return $success;

    private function isValid($someInt) {
       $isValid = true;
       if($someInt < TryToViolateEncapsulation::MIN_INT  || $someInt >
TryToViolateEncapsulation::MAX_INT) {
          $isValid = false;
       return $isValid;

   public function __wakeup() {

Of course, my gripe with __wakeup is that it is essentially a PHP
implementation function that, IMO, should be private. However, it must
be declared public for it to work, and that means that anyone outside
the class can call it whenever they want.

While I'm not totally sold on OOP for web pages, I still like PHP5
because of the OO enhancements over PHP4. Can you code without them?
Sure. I can cut my grass with a push mower, too -- but I tend to like
my lawn tractor much better.

However, thank you for demonstrating that I need to be MUCH more
careful when building objects to validate member values each time they
are used, and not just when they are set.


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