Re: More include issues

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Yes, I have error_reporting = E_ALL and show_warnings = On.

Here's something interesting...if I put the include directly above the code
for the dropdown it below:

<SELECT name="credit_card">
*include '../../Conn/prpr_mssql.php';*
 // Query the credit_card_type table and load all of the records
 // into an array.
 $sql = "SELECT * FROM credit_card_code_types ORDER BY
 $res = mssql_query($sql) or die(mssql_error());
 while ($rec = mssql_fetch_assoc($res)) $credit_card_type_desc[] = $rec;

 // die('<pre>'.print_r($credit_card_type_code));

 foreach ($credit_card_type_desc as $c)
   if ($c['credit_card_type_code'] == $_POST['credit_card'])
     echo "<OPTION value=\"{$c['credit_card_type_code']}\"
     echo "<OPTION

and then the code stops again at the next area of my page where it needs to
connect to the database.

Since I have my database connection set as mssql_pconnect(persistent
connection) I should not have to include the connection file before every
attempt to retrieve something from the database, but that is the only way it
is working right now.

On 6/6/07, Stut <stuttle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dan Shirah wrote:
> I only added those echo's since we have been trying to figure this out,
> so I could see how far it was getting before it stopped.   When I select
> "VIew Source", the last line of code is:
> <SELECT name="credit_card">

Do you have display_errors on and error_reporting to show at least
errors and warnings?

If that's the last line output then there's a fatal error in the code
right after it, and developing without showing errors and warnings can
lead to lengthy and usually pointless discussions on mailing lists.


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