I only added those echo's since we have been trying to figure this out, so I could see how far it was getting before it stopped. When I select "VIew Source", the last line of code is: <SELECT name="credit_card"> On 6/6/07, Stut <stuttle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dan Shirah wrote: > <SELECT name="credit_card"> > <?php > * *** This is the query that uses the inlude file database connection > info that is currently returning no results * > // Query the credit_card_type table and load all of the records > // into an array. > echo "Pre-SQL"; **** This does not echo out* > $sql = "SELECT * FROM credit_card_code_types ORDER BY > credit_card_type_desc"; > $res = mssql_query($sql) or die(mssql_error()); > echo $sql; **** This does not echo out* > echo $res; **** This does not echo out* > while ($rec = mssql_fetch_assoc($res)) $credit_card_type_desc[] = $rec; > > // die('<pre>'.print_r($credit_card_type_code)); > * *** No data is returned in the dropdown list* > foreach ($credit_card_type_desc as $c) > { > if ($c['credit_card_type_code'] == $_POST['credit_card']) > echo "<OPTION value=\"{$c['credit_card_type_code']}\" > SELECTED>{$c['credit_card_type_desc']}</OPTION>\n"; > else > echo "<OPTION > value=\"{$c['credit_card_type_code']}\">{$c['credit_card_type_desc']}</OPTION>\n"; > > } > ?> > </SELECT> Get rid of the echo statements in there - they will really screw up the output of the select box. Alternatively view the source of the page this displays - chances are that the options are being output properly, but the HTML is so messed up that you end up with an empty select box. -Stut