Stut wrote:
Matt Todd wrote:
But of course, that is just conjecture. I'm just saying that I think
he has vested interest and will be least of all willing to make the
shift in thought (even if he did think it held some merit).
I didn't read that article too closely, but I would appreciate *brief*
answers to these questions...
In what way does PHP not allow development in the style that has
unfortunately become known as Web 2.0? Why does it need to change? If
you were "in charge" of PHP development what would you be doing to make
it "better"?
As a PHP developer with too many years experience to mention I am
curious about specifically why you are of the opinion that it's behind
the times.
Right, That's why ppl use PHP more than Perl/CGI for example.
It's because PHP is easier to understand and to code (for most ppl).
And when something else comes that is more useful than PHP and will come
in more handy than it than PHP will take his place in order.
That's how stuff goes.
I don't think it's that important to debate it that much.
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