I can't give out exact numbers, but have worked for a portal in 2001
with around 100K page impressions per day. First they stared with cf,
three massive, Intel based HP web servers and one SUN for the Oracle.
The system hardly managed this load, so they fired the firm wrote the
the CF, and rewritten all stuff in php4 to give it a try.
After that, two servers were switched off, one with linux and php
managed the load very well, so I assume that you may have to consider
number of visitors per day, and the hardware requirements too.
About zend: sorry to say that here, but the less tools you use, the more
freedom you have.
Give me ssh access to any server running my php code and I can inspect
it very well, may fix it in one shot :)). From anywhere.
More tecnically, like we were programmers: php offers several of its
functions as a wrapping of low level system routines and native drivers.
I can hardly imagine any app design to be more effective than this.
If you are worried about code parsing, php accelerator may be just
enough. ;)
Csaba Ketszeri
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