John Retallack - This image says quite a lot and does not need words. Very well done. Your lighting shows wonderful texture on the print as well as the hands holding it. Lea Murphy - Bloch Museum, Kansas City, Missouri Every now and again I pretend I'm Paul Strand or Ansel Adams running around New Mexico capturing images of shadow play on adobe walls and buildings. This image happened during one of those times. I was pleased to have held the tones without blowing the whites.All gray images are a black, no white. How do you know when you're there? I've printed this and have it in my office to look at for a few days before I decide if I want to print it large. I'm not sure. It's a pretty atypical image for me. Dan Mitchell - Avenue I really, really like this image. The man gives a wonderful sense of scale to the buildings. It's gritty, contrasty, kind of grungy and just wonderful. Christopher Strevens - Budapest 3 Jan 2011 A little saturation boost would help this image I think. There is a lot going on without much focus anywhere. I like the iron gate. Bob McCulloch - Snow Day You could have taken this on my street last week. Sherie Taylor - Ice Sculpture You did a nice job photographing a backlit subject with this image though a shallower depth of field would have helped keep the focus on the sculpture. There's no real focus here and I wish there were. Trevor Cunningham - cordoba Niiiiiiiiiiiice. If you ever come to Kansas City call me and we'll go out shooting together. I like this image muchly. It's a bit dark heavy on the top seen on my monitor but may not be so in a print. Very nice. Yoram Gelman - Malibu Excellento! The way the angle of his paddle (is it a paddle?) mimics the angle of the boards of the dock is lovely, the birds and his body all work to give a sense of scale. I like how it's all busy on the left as he floats to tranquility on the right. your kids . my camera . we'll click