Lea Murphy - Coffee with Lauren I've very much enjoyed receiving feedback on this image and the various crops people have recommended. Thank you. Emily Ferguson - Tea cup The tea cup gets lost the vibrancy of the colors of the chairs, in my opinion. Image would be stronger without the red chair as it pulls the eye. Jim Snarski - Great Blue Yes it is. I saw one of these go in for a landing once and thought I was seeing a small aircraft. It was magical. Beautiful, sharp image though from this angle it does not give any sense of the actual size of the bird. That's not a fault, just a comment. Nicely done. Katarina Kitaeva - Deep, dark, misty, mysterious, haunting. I want to know more. I really like this image. John Palcewski - Winter Blue This image doesn't do much for me but I must say your white balance was spot on. Trevor Cunningham - grandfather The resemblance between the two is amazing. A lower crop from the top might be nice. Love the lighting. Yoram Gelman - Icing You did a great job of capturing the ice on the branches by taking advantage of the highlights. I'm curious about the background. It's very interesting...smokey, cloudy, not sure what it is but I like it. Mark Harris - Kari Marie Reflected I can't decide if I like this or not. I keep going back and forth. It seems arm heavy on the left but her confident look is really nice. I imagine the image of her reflection without her actual body and it reminds me of something by Edward Weston. Lea your kids . my camera . we'll click www.leamurphy.com