A few comments on the Jan 29th gallery. . . (and I'm really glad to
get back to discussing photographs):
Now on display at: http://people.rit.edu/andpph/gallery.html include:
John Retallack -
A beautiful shot. Now that I'm (ahem) approaching senior status, I
wonder what a survey of young folks vs. older folks would show
regarding how "nice" the photo is. So many possibilities here: his
own marriage? his parents' marriage? a dead friend's marriage?
Lea Murphy - Bloch Museum, Kansas City, Missouri
Here's something I would definitely look at to shoot. But yes, there
needs to be some more contrast -- not a lot but just to help define
the shapes. Even as is, I'd keep it on my wall.
Dan Mitchell - Avenue
Evocative. . .What year was it? Is that bullet damage on the wall?
What did the painted message say?
Christopher Strevens - Budapest 3 Jan 2011
Interesting monument but I'd like it closer . . . and why include all
those photographers?
Bob McCulloch - Snow Day
And just when you shovel your driveway, the plow comes along and . . .
Sherie Taylor - Ice Sculpture
This needs distractions removed. . .the sculpture might be very
interesting if we could see it.
Trevor Cunningham - cordoba
Without the arch on the left, the remaining arches display a nice
dance in stone. Maybe the color was interesting too???
Yoram Gelman - Malibu
This was a tricky shot to work on; his wake was a nice accident, as
was the position of his paddle, and the empty right hand side(!). Saw
him coming, but he was too fast for another shot. Thanks for
encouragements from Lea and Trevor.