Re: PF main exhibit on MAR 07, 2009
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The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated MAR 07, 2009.
Authors with work now on display at: include:
J Michael Sullivan - South Dakota Badlands - 026 - Reminds me of the
wonderful sights I saw when I went to TR National Partk in North Dakota.
This almost has a feel of a movie still from a 1960's western flick. I
love the color: from the velvety steel-blue sky to the fiery iron vein
in the gully. Something about the resolution gives it a feeling like
it's a canvas painting. Sharpening gone too far?
Tina Manley - Peruvian summit - CHECK; sun poking through the clouds -
CHECK; double rainbow - CHECK; cloud tipped mountains - CHECK; ancient
ruins - CHECK; I just wish the background temperature more closely
matched the foreground's. Perhaps a little layer mask to whiten those
clouds a little? Otherwise, a lovely travel photo.
Greg Fraser - Silence - Ever since that night...oh now, what was it,
1978? '79?...anyways, when the widower Don Marckles lost the farm and
hung hisself in them rafters, folks always kept clear of that farmhouse.
Marckles and his wife, Libby, never spoke to the other townsfolk...they
mostly kept to themselves...lit the place with oil lamps. Lotsa rumors
'bout strange sounds and crying coming from that house. Some folks say
an Amish family put a hex on 'em. Hard to tell. The only son, Roger,
just followed his father last children of his own...up
fer auction the end of this month. Reckon there will be some buzz down
at the courthouse round 'bout then.
Andrew Brooks - Moonlit Valley - Nice! It has almost a Tim Burton feel
to it. I like the tilt in the image, it lends a more fantastic feel than
if it were square. I'm wondering if a little more detail in the shadows
might lend a little more depth t the image.
Russ Baker - Mikki - Good job on getting her lighter tones to stand out
from the background, but you seem to have lost much of the chair and
definition to her pose. I like the composition and the tones are soft.
This would be a nice portfolio image for her as a model, it shows a lot
of character...aside from the obvious, her facial expression is very lively.
Alan Zinn - Being a Kalamazoo native, I must admit that I haven't been
to Greenfield village since I was four. Nice post-production to give it
an old-time feel...I could imagine this gracing the cover of a pamphlet
at the information center.
Jeff Saxman - Reminds me of the cover to the edition of Wasp Factory I
read. Wishing there was just a little more DOF so that more of the skull
would be focused. Not sure I like the framing treatment, but it does
add character that would certainly not be there without it.
Emily L. Ferguson - needles - I miss snow...fantastic tonal range on
this one. Lots of crunchy texture and still signs of life. I like it.
Rob Miracle - Snowy Tree - Beautiful tree...too bad about all the other
distractions in the image: the branches in the foreground, the red fire
hydrant, and the suburban tree line in the background. Public Park? The
tree has a Dr. Seuss feel to it...should be high atop a mountain
somewhere, lonely and willowy.
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