Files for billboards are not necessarily all that large, since they
run around 12 dpi.
If you're considering a more powerful computer, make sure you look
into Macs as well as PCs. The operating system is quite efficient so
does not require the same amount of power to do the same job. Your
standard applications work on both platforms although you will have
to buy licensable copies if you add the different platform. However,
you will save time and worry about security issues, since Macs are
still completely free of all the stuff that gets into PCs. Macs are
easy to network, use readily available USB mice/tablets/keyboards,
can do most operations with keyboard combinations as well as mice
movement, talk readily to most modern printers, last a long time and
their operating system is upgradable over quite a few generations.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races