Howard writes: Mmmm - sounds rather like Xnview actually! RAW support has been with irfanview for a long time now too there's considerable debate on the pros and cons of each - and they are both similar. pretty much sums up a lot of the differences. shell integration is a big thing for me, as is command line batching I've used both (I tend to try a lot of programs as they come out, always looking for an edge, an improvement - but ugly as irfanview is I find it suits me best as a gross image editor another strength of irfanview is that it looks at header info not file extensions, so it will thumb or open a DivX file or a txt file that may be named incorrectly. (yes, it opens many multimedia and non image files :) but to write up a batch file then have it ready whenever I need to batch a couple of hundred images is so nice! I make folders, rightrotate, leftrotate, preresizedprocessed, resized, crop in a main folder C:\IMAGEPROCESSING where I have copied the irfanview program I bung all the images in the folder preresizedprocessed, open one, select thumnail view. Control select all to be rotated right, select 'move' (Irfanview offers 10 selectable directories you can navigate to, then press 1 to 10 to move thos images to the appropriae directory) then repeat for those to be cropped or rotated left. once that's done I double click my bat file and it will rotate all the images as appropriate, resize/resample, create a slideshow and close in a short space of time. 1/2 a gig of RAWS takes about 5 min, of jpegs takes only a couple. here's the bat I wrote up for users with messages as it goes to explain what is happening as it is processing :) I have others to create contact sheets or webpages (or can incorperate it into the batch below) print, or anything else irfanview can do. I even have batch processes to copy from the target card reader to the working directories, even placing images to be rotated in their respective locations (right and left rotate) the batch is below and can be saved by pasting into a text file and saving as *.bat - after that, it's a no brainer operation every time. Shortcuts on the desktop (moveimages.bat, processimages.bat) even a backup (move) bat and a whole bunch of image work is taken care of with a few clicks @echo. @echo working ... 500Mb of RAW format files takes around 3-5 min @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo. @echo a slideshow will start at the end, press escape to exit it @echo to advance or go back during the show press arrow left or right @echo off i_view32.exe "C:\IMAGEPROCESSING\crop\*.*" /resize=(800,600) /aspectratio /resample /convert="c:\IMAGEPROCESSING\resized\*.jpg" /silent i_view32.exe "C:\IMAGEPROCESSING\Rightrotate\*.*"/rotate_r /convert="C:\IMAGEPROCESSING\preresizedprocessed\*.jpg" /silent i_view32.exe "C:\IMAGEPROCESSING\Leftrotate\*.*" /rotate_l /convert="C:\IMAGEPROCESSING\preresizedprocessed\*.jpg" /silent start /wait i_view32.exe "C:\IMAGEPROCESSING\preresizedprocessed\*.*" /resize=(800,600) /aspectratio /resample /convert="c:\IMAGEPROCESSING\resized\*.jpg" /silent i_view32.exe /slideshow="c:\IMAGEPROCESSING\resized\" /closeslideshow @echo ÉÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍ» @echo º º @echo º congratulations! Job is finished º @echo º to close this batch file click the X top right º @echo º º @echo º º @echo º º @echo º remember to backup original images º @echo º and move the reprocessed images out of º @echo º the working directory to somewhere safe! º @echo º º @echo ÈÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍͼ