Have another look - there's better programs in Windows than Irfanview -
try xnview <http://www.xnview.com/> (or Fasttone
<http://www.faststone.org/>although I'm not so sure about
accessing/editing the exif data with this one, it's very good graphically)
Xnview gives you full access to image data including full editing of
IPTC information, batch processing, lossless transformations etc etc and
is a better program visually as well - I think!
karl shah-jenner wrote:
Edwin: This looks like what I lost
you lost Irfanview??
Karl: I downloaded it but nothing works????? I did the window thing so I guess I'll have to put my Unbuntu system together and download the linux version. Thanks.
Ah, run it from a command line Bob! double clicking the program will probably just pop up and kill a cmd box ;)
it's nice to get a spreadsheet of a bunch of files in a folder, tht's about it though .. and use baregrep to search the spreadsheet if it's a big one! http://www.baremetalsoft.com/baregrep/