Mário Pires - Great show photo, my friend. You mixed that fantastic stage light with a very intimate moment betwen the musicians. I suggest just a little crop on the right side of the image to eliminate the excess of empty dark space there.
Guy Glorieux - I don't like very much extreme digital effects so I converted you image to positive again and I like the composition, the mood.
Renate Volz - Nice macro of the flower center structures but the shadows called mostly of my attention and I think this image would be great in BW, give it a try.
Qkano - Interesting abstract this one. It's very interesting the way this image catchs the viewers eyes and make them wonder about what they are seeing. Good one.
Emily L. Ferguson - I like too much marine photos like that one. I think it's because I live very far from the ocean. Nice shot of the boat sails. The little piece of tilted horizon in the right side of the image distracts me a little. Did you take
this shot from onboard of another boat ???
Steve Shapiro - This shot remembers me years ago when I went to a car show with my very first SLR, a Zenit 122, with just two rolls of ISO 400 filme and that was a very sunny day ... I had to wait a lot until some clouds passed over the sun and I could shot in the shadow of it over the park full of great classic cars ... lol. I thinks this image is more a snapshot, I don't like the cuts on the sides of the image and the full sharp background.
Laurenz Bobke - Interesting shot but the little DOF created some unpleasand blurred areas on the foreground and background. Maybe another angle would be better, an up to down angle I think.
Jeff Spirer - Great shot. I think this is the better image of this issue of this gallery. I love that dark mood. It's really like a shot taken from inside a whale skull ... great one.
Morley Roberts - Interesting scene but I don't like the image itself. I can't find an anchor
point for reading the image ... it's all there just too mixed, too compressed in the same plan.