Cjharles > Qkano - Interesting abstract this one. It's very interesting the way this image catchs the viewers eyes and make them wonder about what they are seeing. Good one. Darin Bob, all I have to say (initially) is "What in the world?" Abandoned fort? Abandoned by whom? The Lilliputians? The depth of field, the incongruent textures, and the well-defined regions of color all work to make this an interesting, if not incomprehensible ,image. Well Waht can I say? I can't even spell "What"! No, I suddenll realised I was guilty of that action that stopped me reviewing the galley - zero feedback. Thanks for taking the time to speak: it is appreaciated. My lack of response again this week was because "I agree" (like the boy's eyes last week, I already knew) I hope to scan a pic to show how this photo (which is what it is) was taken. Yes, it was macro and the contents of my spice rack were involved ... if I'd been digital it would have been 10x better ... Thanks: I'm severely struggling with my life right now. Missus with bad broke leg and me in 3 Musical Theatre shows in next 2 months ... pre-PS ... my dream in life is now to play Munkustrap in "Cats" Here's an "almost self-portrait!" as a cat ... http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=238437748&size=l you'll have tou guess which is me. Bob PS: Jeff, sorry I've not resp. to email ... broken leg was week after I saw you and I'm blown away ..