I think you have a great opportunity here to document a cultural artifact before it disappears from the scene and becomes available only as a museum piece. To that end, you might consider other ways to photograph the postbox. Some day you may make lots of sales from the photographs you make.
Some suggestions:
Photograph it in use, ie: people dropping in letters, etc.
Different weather and lighting conditions
Long exposures with people blurring as they pass by
Other ways that the postbox fits in or stands out from the surroundings
The mailbox as part of the landscape, but not necessarily the main object of the photo
I found this interesting: http://www.civilization.ca/cpm/histbox/welcom~1.htm#intro
Cheers, Rich Mason
On Sunday, February 20, 2005, at 02:45 PM, Polly wrote (among other things):
I'd like more shots of this box before it gets replaced with something more modern