Sidney Flack <sgflack@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > That unfortunate event proves that all media is finite. It proves that one copy of anything important isn't enough for safety. > But I could make backups of my films if I cared to invest the > effort. Many have made copy negatives in the past. I've made slides from negatives, and made copy slides, myself, for various purposes. So I consider it first-hand knowledge that the copy isn't as good as the original. And, as you imply, it takes considerable effort. Whereas I made an off-site archive of somewhere around 6000 photographs in digital form the other week for about $9 of media and a few hours of computer time (not mostly requiring my personal attention, so not using up that much of *my* time). And each of those off-site copies is just as good as the original copy on my computer. (Some of those images were originally scanned from film, and the scans do not completely capture everything in the original film, which I still have and try to take care of decently.) -- David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:dd-b@xxxxxxxx>, <> RKBA: <> <> Pics: <> <> Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>