At 8:59 AM -0500 6/2/04, Sidney Flack wrote:Take the concept back to the classic parallel. A Mozart original score is of great value. But it has value as having come from his pen only because of the many performances of his work.
Well, not actually. It has additional value because of what it can teach us about what Wolfgang actually wrote down. ........
I'm won't argue that point with you. But it is valid and of importance only because his work has been recognized as having both artistic and historic significance. That recognition has only come because of the performance of his work. If it had never been performed its value would have died with him in poverty.
Our photographs are no different....(Emily's quote of what I wrote...
Again, there I think we can learn a lot about the creator from the piece of film, especially when we hold it next to the printed or published output that came from the hand of the creator.........
Again, this is true only because of the "performance" of our individual images either from film or digital "scores". Even if in fifty years one or our previously unknown images is discovered in "score" form, it will be of value only to that extent our other, known work has been determined to be of value.
Everything you say is true, Emily. But it is true only in as much as our work is interpreted (by us) from the original film or file to a performed medium which can be seen and appreciated by others for any artistic (or other) value it may convey.
Without that they are all "just another picture".
Peace! Sidney