Marilyn's Mail <> wrote/replied to: >Previous message: "These reviews make it worth submitting more and more. >It's a sad week that goes by with only a couple of reviews." > >------------------------------------ > >Random thought: Isn't critiquing of the photographs enough, or must the >reviews be critiqued, also? Fewer critiques of the reviews may lead to more >reviews. Have you actually seen any critques of reviews? I have made some general comments only. And I have praised those who review. >-------------------------------------------- > >Previous message: "Is everyone afraid to hurt someone's feelings and write >reviews >>pointing out less than glowing appreciation." > >--------------------------------------- > >Random thought: Fear may not be the key emotion here. Some can't help >but see the good and positive in things just as some can't help but see the >bad and negative. God bless those who do see the good - we need more of >them. Do we? Does a glowing review of a crappy photo do anything positive? I think not. This is a learning experience, not a feel-good session. Hey, group hug, ok :-) >----------------------------------------------- > >Previous message: "I have appealed before for honest reviewing here, made >my own honest reviews too." > >-------------------------------------------- > >Random thought: Define "honest." Are the only criteria for an honest >review criticism or negativity? I'll define honest for you in case you forgot. It means simply the truth as I see it. Good where I see it, no so good where I see it. >------------------------------------- > >Previous message: "The unusual seems to be a necessary element sometimes." > >---------------------------- > >Trying to be unusual for the sake of being unusual can also lead to the >ridiculous. Sure it could. Sometimes. >--------------------------------- > >Previous message: "But I'd much rather that more people take a few minutes >to write more reviews." > >---------------------------------- > >Random thought: Then be more accepting of the reviews. Why would someone >take the time to write a review knowing they will be told their time has >been wasted because they wrote a review, that in other's opinions, may be >less than honest? This is the point. The reason I bother writing anything about reviews is to get more, to inspire reviewing. Has anyone been told they wasted their time reviewing? > > >There is always a long line waiting to tell us what we did wrong and where >we failed. There needs to be at least a line of one waiting to tell us >what we did right. Agreed, that is of course if something was done right. Glad to have stirred the pot again... Jim Davis Nature Photography