Re: Global Health Council's Photography Contest - ANNOUNCEMENT FYI

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Hi again everyone.

My comments were not to be construed as saying to avoid donating.
Quite the opposite. I am always busy teaching people how to take
better pictures. I invite novices along on my personal shoots and
encourage them to find their vision. I answer questions all the time
about the technical nuances of the work. I even go so far as to tell
anyone interested the intricate details of how I did my most difficult
shots. My "trade secrets," as it were, laid out on the table for all
to examine. Apart from photography, I donate hard-earned platelets
every three weeks, because there's a chance someone desperately needs
them more than I do.

And when I do pro-bono work, there is a contract, and my operating
costs, aside from creative fees, are typically compensated, at least
in part. The value of the work is documented and ultimately waived.

The client never subscribes to the pretense that I am engaging in a
"contest" for which there is no prize, nor that they are the ones
"donating" to the photographer the opportunity to be published...

I think this has more to do with presentation than the end result.

Craig D. Heinz
Melbourne, Florida USA

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