On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 9:29 PM, William Case <billlinux@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Kyle;
I have "The Linux Kernel Primer" which I have read from cover-to-cover.
On Thu, 2008-07-10 at 11:10 -0400, Kyle Spaans wrote:
> Just a suggestion:
> I believe I'm in the same boat as yourself - trying to learn about the
> Linux Kernel.
> I've been perusing the source code as well, but what I realized I was
> lacking was an understanding of Operating Systems in general.
> So another option to consider - it's certainly helping me - is to
> pickup an introductory OS textbook and work your way through that
> while you look at the Linux source code.
> gl & hf
As well, I have completely read over the last two years:
"Computer Organization and Design" Second Edition : The
Hardware/Software Interface"
by David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy
I am try to put all that together in my head as a simplified modal, so
that as I pursue kernel questions I have an entry point to delve and
dive from.
As a novice myself, i would recommend Robert Love's 'Linux Kernel Development'. It is a small book and paints a good picture of the Linux kernel, nicely giving a view of the many different components involved.
It does not delve into deep details however, those can always be obtained from ULTK or LDD or the source ultimately.
My 2 cents...
Best regards,