RE: Bootloader and Device driver queries

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: kernelnewbies-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:kernelnewbies-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
> Milind Arun Choudhary
> Sent: 30 March 2007 08:03 AM
> To: Queenie de Melo
> Cc: kernelnewbies@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Bootloader and Device driver queries
> On 3/30/07, Queenie de Melo <queenie245@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > As per me... Kernel is the OS and Device driver comes in it..
> >
> > Now I want to know... what the bootloader does then...
> >
> > I understand that it brings up the processor (initialization) and
> > initializes the peripherals...
> on general purpose computers
> there is one more player in the game
> BIOS: basic input output system

On Standard Intel/AMD PCs yes, on the vast majority of embedded and
computers using other processors (such as PPC computers) this is not the
case. The bootloader is responsible for the basic initialisation.

> this is the first code which run on your system
> > Initialization of the peripherals like... Uart or Ethernet 
> etc.... if its done
> > by bootloader then... driver would have to be written rite? 
> So r drivers also
> > written in bootloader?
> this is done by BIOS
> which then invokes the boot loader
> Now the bootloaders job is to get the  kernel image
> and pump life into it

On Intel, yes. On the majority of embedded machines the bootloader
generally will include code to initialise peripherals (to allow the use
of a serial console in the bootloader, load images over TFTP etc.

> It depends on the OS whether to use the BIOS' services or not
> Linux kernel does not use BIOS services
> it reinitializes the device in its own style
> so we can say that bare minimum drivers are written in/for the BIOS
> due to the size limitations
> & the linux kernel provides full fledged &
> more intelligient drivers

As above, most embedded bootloaders offer different services than the
PC's rather basic BIOS.
> on most of embedded platforms both responsibilites of BIOS & 
> bootloader
> are usually  handled by a single entity
> so we don;t see a clear distinction between the two

Yes, the bootloader on most embedded platform does the equivalent of
what is done by the BIOS and bootloader on a PC.

> > then how does the flash( where bootloader is stored) and 
> SDRAM ( where
> > Bootloader is run from) get initialized?
> usually the memory device where the code which runs first is stored
> is mapped to an address which the processor can access without
> any initialization
> then this code will do all the fancy stuff

IIRC (in the case of PPC) the bootloader will use the L1 cache in the
processor initially to store data, whilst it initiallises the SDRAM. The
bootloader is also likely to contain routines to "reflash" the

> >  Hmmm...
> > Another question is... once the bootloader is run... it initializes
> > peripherals and then tried to load the kernel. What if 
> kernel is not there?
> > It would wait for the kernel... putting a message on console
> > What stage would the hardware be at this point? Does it 
> enter any wait
> > state?
> depends on what all the BIOS/bootloader has done before
> loading the kernel

An example, I believe U-boot either drops back to it's prompt or
reboots. Exactly what happens depends on the bootloader you use and the
options you have available. AFAIK a lot of embedded systems have a
serial port and bootloader messages are sent to it.

> >  Will the bootloader still be in the SDRAM at this point of time?
> yes
> >  Still another question is....
> >
> >  Y is virtual addressing used? What is the benefit of using 
> virtual address...
> > why cant we just give the physical address? Pyisical address and the
> > corresponding virtual address , both r anyway unique for a 
> processor na.
> > then y virtual addressing is used?
> this should have been asked in a different thread i think
> anyways
> I think one reason might be to make every process think that
> it owns the whole 4GB of virtual address space even if the
> system does not have that much of physical memory
> which makes multiprogramming easier

It also allows each process to have it's own address space. Each process
"thinks" that it is the only process running on the processor, I believe
this is one of the principles of multitasking OSes.

Id suggest getting a hold of O Reilly's "Understanding the Linux
Kernel", this covers memory management issues quite well, I think. I can
also recommend looking at "Linux Devices Drivers", google for "LDD3" -
it's available online or it's in print from O Reilly.

Hope this helps,


Martyn Welch
Principal Software Engineer
Radstone Digital Processing
Part of GE Fanuc Embedded Systems

Phone: +44 (0) 1327 322748
email: martyn.welch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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