Re: matching -d to a given interface without specifying ip address

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Danny Rathjens wrote:
Dmitri wrote:
The problem with specifying an IP is that it may change, which breaks the rules and requires an update (and detection as well). Event for a static IP, that's an extra dependency to watch out for.

That's what variables in your firewall script are for.
Just re-run it when your network connection restarts:
EXTIP=`ifconfig $EXTIF |perl -ne'print $1 if /inet addr:([\d.]+)/'`
iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -i $EXTIF -p tcp -d $EXTIP --dport 80

Yes, but it's exactly the sort of hack I hoped to avoid. For a perfectly simple expression, now I need to 1) detect that IP changed or connection restarted, and 2) run the hack. There isn't supposed to be any firewall script.

It's like SNAT vs. MASQUERADE - MASQUERADE works without any scripts or reloads. Same can be done with other things which require reloading. The less dynamic hacks in the system, the less of a nondeterministic mess it would be.

Well, I guess the answer to my question is "no, there is no such option". I'm half-considering implementing it myself, if I can find heads and tails of it.


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