Rob Sterenborg wrote:
Yes, but there is a difference:
Here you are talking about packets that come from your client that are
sent to Google. These do not have the destination IP of the firewall box
but pass through the firewall because you have set your gateway
according. Besides, that would be SNAT which is something else.
> ... A client from the internet can
> only point to your public IP ...
Yes, but a client from the local network can either point at google's
ip, or the public or private IP of the gateway. I wanted to detect these
cases. It's specifically about local clients, whichever IP they're
pointing to.
Perhaps you're confusing DNAT with SNAT?
When packets for Google pass through it's (initial) direction is from
your LAN to the internet and packets are SNAT-ed. This is the opposite
of what you want above.
No, I'm not confusing DNAT with SNAT. SNAT, particularly MASQUERADE, is
happening anyway for -o ppp0. But I wanted to DNAT some things directed
to the box itself to some other destination. When they come -o ppp0,
they will get MASQUERADEd as well.
Anyway, I think I have the answer to my question, as explained in my
response to Danny.