Re: matching -d to a given interface without specifying ip address

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Rob Sterenborg wrote:
Is there a way to define a condition "those packets whose destination
is the IP address of the given interface" without specifying the
actual IP address? (it changes, thus needs to be detected and updated)

No. -d expects an IP address.
I was looking for a (non-existent) option like --dest-ip-address-matches-that-of eth1. Meaning the connection is addressed to the box, as opposed to passing through it to some other machine but to the same port.

The problem with specifying an IP is that it may change, which breaks the rules and requires an update (and detection as well). Event for a static IP, that's an extra dependency to watch out for.

What is it exactly what you want to accomplish?

Maybe this is contrived and not a good method..

I want the above-described kind of option, to pick out and DNAT connections on a certain port (say, http) directed at the box, but not those on the same port but directed elsewhere (like google being accessed through the box being the gateway). Purpose - to DNAT-encapsulate some service by the box.

(It doesn't matter from which direction it came, on which interface, its contents, etc. - only the destination ip.)

If i say "-d <> --dport 80 -j DNAT ..", that works, but it introduces the unwanted dependency on the actual IP value.

If i say "-i <interface> --dport 80..." for an internal interface, that catches anything, whether it was meant for the box or google.


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