> Ok, so I see in fact I don't know what you're talking about, at least it's > not what wikipedia thinks "blooming" is. Here is the article on HDR rendering - http://steps3d.narod.ru/tutorials/hdr-tutorial.html - but it is russian - author Alexey V. Boreskoff - he wrote many books about computer graphics and now reading lectures, as far as I remember, in Moscow State University. So I have reason to believe him - he names this effect Bloom. Also he mention that John Carmack wrote about it and described it also so. > And, as I'm used to use mammalian eyes but not compound eyes (which > consist of facets) I probably have never experienced the effect you're > describing. By facets - I'm meaning facet in one eye and facet in other eye - and not insects eyes. Maybe I'm told it somehow not right in english - but english is not my native language - I will look how you will explain me what you are speaking about in russian. > So the filter will be only useful for "MPlayer- The Computer Graphics > Player" and not for "MPlayer- The Movie Player". I'm not asking to implement bloom from lenses, I'm asking to implement bloom, that happens in cells in eyes facets - please hear what I'm speaking to you, but not that what you want to hear. And to say the true - I'm tired to argue with those, who don't want to understand. I understand - nobody will do this here - so I will not insist on it anymore here.