Hello! > the apps you have installed are buggy and generate activity > and i mean any type of activity, 1% CPU load is still too much: > if the app is idle, it must have 0% CPU activity What does that exactly mean (especially for non GTK-based applications like mine that cannot expect some GTK magic)? Say for example I have an editor with has a blinking cursor. The GUI library internally uses select with a timer as main event loop. Does above statement mean, that my application is still running and select still lopping and timer can run out and the cursor still blinks while I put the cover on the device? I always assumed that it goes in some kind of hibernate mode where machine state is (nearly) completely frozen, but your statement sounds like it just switches of some stuff of while CPU is still running? How can I work around this? Do I need to catch DBus events to get informed that I have to go in some application specific low power mode? -- Gru?... Tim.