Re: em28xx: msi Digivox ATSC board id [0db0:8810]

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On 12/08/2012 04:47 PM, Antti Palosaari wrote:
On 12/08/2012 11:40 PM, Matthew Gyurgyik wrote:
On 12/08/2012 12:49 PM, Frank Schäfer wrote:
Am 08.12.2012 17:51, schrieb Matthew Gyurgyik:

That shouldn't be necessary. I just noticed that there is a module
parameter 'ir_debug'. ;)
With ir_debug enabled, you should see messages

         em28xx_ir_handle_key: toggle: XX, count: XX, key XXYYZZ

everytime you press a button. Once we know the key codes, we can set up
a key map (if it doesn't exist yet).

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but didn't have any luck :(

[root@tux ~]# sudo rmmod em28xx_rc
[root@tux ~]# sudo rmmod em28xx_dvb
[root@tux ~]# sudo rmmod em28xx
[root@tux ~]# modprobe em28xx_rc ir_debug=1
I don't see any additional messages in dmesg.

I verified the remote still works in windows (a stupidity check on my
Maybe Kernel debugs are not enabled? em28xx driver is a little bit
legacy in logging too as it uses own logging whilst nowadays dynamic
logging is recommended.

replace KERN_DEBUG as KERN_INFO inside em28xx-input.c and test. It will
change driver to use Kernel normal log writings instead of current debug


That unfortunately doesn't make any difference.

I even tried adding a print statment before the debug line got called like this (line 97 added; em28xx-input.c):
 97     printk(KERN_INFO "key %02x\n", b);
 98     i2cdprintk("key %02x\n", b);

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