Quoting Kővári János <bsh@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
2021.09.08. 15:51 keltezéssel, Michael Menge írta:
So for your information:
the Output of "ctl_mboxlist -d" contains
the mailbox name, if it is a local or remote mailbox, the partition
(or server and partition for a remot mailbox), and acls for each
user that has acls on that mailbox.
user (for users owned mailboxes) and DELETED (for delayed deletion
of mailboxes "delete_mode: delayed" in man imapd.conf ) are special
all other mailboxes are shared folders.
I did read something about unique user id's (new in 3.0 or
something) and thought, maybe ACLs use the old simple username and
maybe that's why I don't see anything, because I don't have proper
ACLs, so I tried reapplying ACLs again (didn't help obviously)
The hash in the DELEDTED mailboxname is the times that the mailbox
was deleted (unixtime in hex)
to allow multiple mailboxes with the same name to be deleted.
Thanks, I didn't know that. I usually never delete mailboxes.
See "expunge_mode: delayed" in man imapd.conf
I know about that, using it on the other server.
Are the old mails (from before the upgrade) in the same location?
Yes. I didn't move anything. (Or what exactly do you mean by same location?)
I meant the same directory.
To lift the confusion regarding hashes.
to reduce clutter cyrus does not store all user information
(subscription list, seen status,
quota information ...) in one directory but distributes the files to
different directories
depending on the first character of the username, or a one character
hash value of the fullusername.
If hashimapspool is enabled the mailboxes will use the same "character"
To summarize the information we have so fare.
1. you are using the "servername" partition with hashimapspoll but not
2. you are not using metadata- or archive-partition
so you INBOX is located at /mnt/data/cyrus/mail/m/user/myusername
3. "myusername" is listed in admins and imap_admins. It es not
recommended to use "admin" accounts with normal IMAP clients, as some
clients get confused by additional folders/information.
But this has not changed from 2.5 to 3.0
4. You see your folders in your mailclient. So cyrus is able to read
5. you could create and delete folders so cyrus is able to write in
6. you can receive new mails. and if the new mail is in the same
directory as your old mails in your inbox than cyrus has used the
correct directory so the configuration regarding hash directories is
7. You did run "reconstruct -V max" which upgrades the metadata files
for the folders to the
newest version, but AFSIK does not try to fix any other problems
with the mailbox.
As you don't see the old mails there could be a problem the metadata files
You can run "reconstruct -n -r user/myusername" this will check
all your folders without changing
them and if it finds old mails run again without "-n"
Michael Menge Tel.: (49) 7071 / 29-70316
Universität Tübingen Fax.: (49) 7071 / 29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung mail:
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