Quoting Kővári János <bsh@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
2021.09.08. 14:22 keltezéssel, Michael Menge írta:
I don't see any real errors. Do you see any errors starting/restartin cyrus?
those logs span across a shutdown and restart. That is all I can
see. No errors in syslog or daemon.log. I think it works just fine
just doesn't find the mails.
You have two cyrus partitions, 1. "default" where the mails are
stored in /var/spool/cyrus/mail and 2. "servername" where the mails
are stored in /mnt/data/cyrus/mail
"ctl_mboxlist -d" will output the list of mailboxes with the
partition name. Does the partition name match with the place where
the mails are stored?
Here's the output of that command:
./ctl_mboxlist -d
DELETED.user.test.6137A695 0 servername test lkxca
cyrus lrswipkxtecda
Megosztott 0 servername cyrus lrswipkxtecda anyone lrswipkxtecd
Trash 0 default anyone lrs cyrus lrswipkxtecda
user.myusername 0 servername cyrus lrswipkxtecda
myusername lrswipkxtecda
user.myusername.Archiv 0 servername cyrus lrswipcda myusername lrswipkxtecda
user.myusername.Archiv.2005 0 servername cyrus
lrswipcda myusername lrswipkxtecda
user.test 16 (null)
So for your information:
the Output of "ctl_mboxlist -d" contains
the mailbox name, if it is a local or remote mailbox, the partition
(or server and partition for a remot mailbox), and acls for each user
that has acls on that mailbox.
user (for users owned mailboxes) and DELETED (for delayed deletion of
mailboxes "delete_mode: delayed" in man imapd.conf ) are special
all other mailboxes are shared folders.
Here, as you see, I also created a new user "test" (after the
upgrade) and it was working. Deleted it as you see. But there's a
hash in it, but not in other user. folders. Isn't that the problem?
I read about this new hashing thingy but I just got confused. I
thought it is just in the index files or something?
The hash in the DELEDTED mailboxname is the times that the mailbox was
deleted (unixtime in hex)
to allow multiple mailboxes with the same name to be deleted.
The imap error log shows a delivery to user/myusername.
Can you find the message file on the filesystem
or (/mnt/data/cyrus/mail/<HASHDIR>/user/myusername) where
"<HASHDIR>" is the first character in "myusername"
And can you see the mail in your mail client?
yes, the file is there with the correct time stamp, and i also saw
it in my client (Thunderbird) from remote. It was an internal
message from the system that it was rebooting. However, I deleted
the message, yet it is still is there and not in Trash. (which I
don't see in my client either.)
See "expunge_mode: delayed" in man imapd.conf
Are the old mails (from before the upgrade) in the same location?
Michael Menge Tel.: (49) 7071 / 29-70316
Universität Tübingen Fax.: (49) 7071 / 29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung mail:
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen
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