On 1/16/20, 6:10 PM, "ietf on behalf of Randy Bush" <ietf-bounces@xxxxxxxx on behalf of randy@xxxxxxx> wrote: > if i was looking at this from 10,000m, which i partially am, jay being anywhere near the pir decision making is a clear conflict of inbterest. that y'all don't see this says a lot about how the ietf/isoc culture sees conflict of interest; which was my point, not to pick on jay. Hi Randy - As noted in a reply in an off-list thread to you, but since you asked here as well: 1 - We established policies for the IETF LLC, including Conflict of Interest (COI), on 7 November 2019 after a long consultation process with the IETF community. See: - https://www.ietf.org/about/administration/policies-procedures/conflict-interest/ - https://www.ietf.org/blog/ietf-llc-policies-published/ - https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ietf-announce/6ilu6Nq-SQ5Nrwq5J1Sff1uxS5M - https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ietf-announce/RWnvJGucn4nx6VM3NX28fpO31-k 2 - During the hiring process of the IETF Executive Director, the IETF LLC Board asked our legal counsel to perform a detailed assessment of any potential for conflicts of interest related to Jay when he was a finalist candidate. As we noted in the COI mitigation memo on 7 November 2019 at https://www.ietf.org/media/documents/Board_IETF_ED_CoI_Mitigation_Memo_-_20191107.pdf: “On October 7, 2019, counsel provided a memo to the Board of Directors of the IETF LLC with their assessment of potential conflicts of interest. Counsel advised that they did not believe that the IETF ED’s continued service on the PIR board presents a conflict of interest that would impede the candidate’s ability to perform the role of IETF ED in the best interests of the IETF LLC. They did, however, recommend that the parties take certain steps to mitigate and prevent any potential, actual or perceived conflicts of interest.” 3 - All board members and the IETF Executive Director made COI disclosures on 7 November 2019. See https://www.ietf.org/about/administration/policies-procedures/conflict-interest/coi-disclosures/ We do count on community input and participation to get these things right and will continue to consult closely and widely. In particular, our COI policy is brand new. If people believe there is a shortcoming in that policy or the disclosure form itself, we welcome any suggestions on how those may be improved. Thanks Jason (on behalf of the IETF LLC Board)