On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 11:08 AM Andrew G. Malis <agmalis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The XML2RFC markup requires me to make edits in three different places
> to do references. Using Word as my source editor, I only put the
No, it does not. Two places.
The insertion of the second one could indeed be automated, but then you
would have to give a hint about normative vs informative.Kramdown makes it very easy.. All you need is to put, for example, {{!RFC2119}} for a normative reference or {{?RFC6241}} for an informative reference in the right place in the text. Everything else is automatic. I-Ds are also just as easy, for example {{!I-D.ietf-detnet-data-plane-framework}}.
That is exactly how I used to do it in Markdown. I changed to a more XML-ish markup because I was editing a lot of JSON and you really want your editing markup to use a different set of braces to your code.
Double braces could be the answer though because it is not legal C, JSON or any other encoding that comes to mind.