On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Randy Bush <randy@xxxxxxx> wrote: > hundreds or thousands is perceptually much larger than 100. > >> Predicting that institutions will become corrupt over long periods of >> time is hardly hyperbolic. > > the institutions are corrupt now. Pointing that out right now hardly helps the cause of stopping the ITU-T getting control of their function. > as to dnssec, opinions seem to vary widely, and yours is a few sigma > out. some think you/verisign stalled it for five years becuase you > could not commercialize it. but i really do not care. I stated the conditions under which deployment would take place in .net and .com. Had you genuinely believed that I did not intend to deploy in any case and was merely stalling you should have given me what I had asked for and put me on the spot. The reason you pulled the procedural manipulations with the bogus DNS Directorate review etc. was that you were convinced that VeriSign had no choice but to deploy. If it had been my product I would have brought the lawyers in at that point. A working group chair is not entitled to re-litigate arguments that they have already lost by referring them to a directorate and directorates are not permitted to re-litigate working group discussions. The fact that you made such a personal intervention on an issue that you really don't care about speaks volumes. I find it amazing how often the members of the elder generation pull the following sililoquy: 1) I do not understand the issues here, therefore nobody can understand them 2) We must be careful not to make mistakes by making decisions we do not understand 3) Therefore everyone must do it my way as it makes no difference Difference between you and me is that when I know I don't know something I either go talk to people who do and find out or I don't get involved with that issue. You pronounce that nobody understands it and then demand to be the decision maker. Website: http://hallambaker.com/