At 20:32 18/09/2005, Lee Mahan wrote:
There are a number of states in the US with the same sort of
law....last I remembered Texas is one<grin>
France law is very tought on this, as legal rights and duties are
attached to the title. I suppose most survived IETF63?
The only result in here of MCSE and of similar titles is that people
smile at these "Engineers", as if they were self proclaimed. This is
not fair for the work they did - even if some think the matter they
worked on is no worth.
More than anything else it is a terminology issue.
"Engineer/Ingenieurs" are faux-amis.
- in French "Ingénieur" comes from "ingenium" wich convey the idea to
invent. An applied searcher, designer.
- in English "Engineer" conveys the idea of running an
engine/machine, or being trained for that. We would say "un
machiniste" but the term is not much used. The correct term would be
"technicien" (which is also a regulated term in academic diplomas).
Would Microsoft deliver McsD titles (what is more in line with what
are our "Engineers")?
IETF as such is not a society of Engineers, but a task force for an
Internet Engineering, what can be carried by anyone.
Nicholas Staff wrote:
It would seem we will all be in violation of Canadian law (as will the IETF
as an organization) when we convene for IETF 64. Those canucks apparently
regulate the term "Engineer" and the use of Software, Network, or Systems
Engineer is um apparently not allowed. I wonder if they'll put Dave Crocker
and Dean Anderson in the same cell... ;)
Here's a link to the Microsoft court loss for the use of Engineer in their
MCSE certification
Please don't take this too seriously and call me an idiot, this is of course
said with a chuckle.