Replace principle 6 with the following:
6. The IETF, through the IASA, shall have a perpetual right to use, display, distribute, reproduce, modify and create derivatives of all data created in support of IETF activities.
(Jorge liked "perpetual" better than "irrevocable permanent" - the stuff after "to" is a well known legal incantation).
And in section 3.1 "IAD Responsibilities", add after paragraph 4 ("The IAD negotiates service contracts"):
The IAD is responsible for ensuring that all contracts give the IASA and the IETF the rights in data that is needed to satisfy the principle of data access. This is needed to make sure the IETF has access to the data it needs at all times, and that the IASA can change contractors when needed without disrupting IETF work.
Whenever reasonable, if software is developed under an IASA contract it should should remain usable by the IETF beyond the terms of the contract. Some ways of achieving this are by IASA ownership or an open source license; an open source license is preferrable. The IAD will decide how the interest of the IETF is best served when making such contracts.
(This is giving the IAD a little more room to maneuver, while still stating a clear preference.)
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