On 9/9/23 14:50, Donald Eastlake wrote:
But the whole "limiting the bandwidth" idea, I think, is assuming the wrong goal for IETF. IETF's goal should not be to produce as many RFCs as quickly as possible. (And I wish it would stop trying to cite the number of RFCs as any indication of merit.) IETF's goal should instead be to produce the documents within its scope, that are needed most by the Internet community, ensuring that they have been developed with input from a broad range of interest, are technically sound, and produce them quickly enough so that those documents can serve as useful input to their audiences.While I generally agree with the above, you also have to factor in, to some extent, for what documents there are volunteers willing to work on that document.
Absolutely. But volunteers are already scarce, producing even more documents doesn't seem like the answer.