On 7/17/23 22:45, Raghu Saxena wrote:
On 7/18/23 01:27, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Consider a CA signing process where one party is in the US, the other
Canada. They are meeting over Zoom.
The requesting party holds up a computer with the CSR data in a QR
code. The ones I am making should fit.
The signing party holds up their offline signing system to receive
the QR code and create the cert which it then encodes in a QR code.
What about the offline system accepting the CSR via a flash drive, or
other device to bridge the airgap? Is the argument you don't trust the
party providing the CSR? Or if it is some kind of MiTM, and an
adversary actually changes the QR code you're seeing on your side
(e.g. someone inside Zoom who can control the video feed). You would
end up signing the wrong cert.
This is for:
And yes, I suspect USB devices. Have since I found something hidden in
one that I got on ebay (this WAS lots of years ago) that I was removing
everything to make it a Linux device. There was a hidden partition
there that did not belong had some interesting looking code. (you DO get
what you pay for)
Now I am paranoid. I get a new USB device for use on a Win system, I
check them on Linux first...
But really, the USS model does open up the potential for lots of CAs
that are not so little (millions of UA mission certs each). Do I want a
design that trusts them all to do the right thing? Also, with USB they
either have to travel to where the signing CA lives or ship the USB
stick. A zoom conference to perform the signing operation is more cost
So, no, no USB in the design.
It is not JUST paranoia.