Hi Keith,
At 01:49 PM 22-06-2022, Keith Moore wrote:
Such feedback sounds really presumptuous and at least borderline
offensive. It creates more heat than light.
The "more heat than light" idiom is not easily understood by someone
who is not familiar with IETF English.
You pointed out that the style of feedback could be construed as
"borderline offensive". If I am not mistaken, some of the persons
who commented on the thread were also arguing against that style of feedback.
The is a research article [1] which discusses a "club good approach"
viewed through the IETF process. I could choose to discuss the "club
good approach" with the author as she might be able to share a
perspective which is different from what I see or I could choose to
go with IETF groupthink. The groupthink happens when an idea is
described as bad because it was tried before and failed. The
assumptions on which the idea was based, which were current thinking
over a decade ago, may no longer be valid. I am not sure whether an
experienced participant might catch that if he/she is more interested
in doing damage control.
S. Moonesamy
1. http://r.elandsys.com/r/70978