On 3/2/21 9:08 AM, ned+ietf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
When dealing with lists in general, do the text only thinkg and you
end up with
delightful stuff like messages that say, "Please see the HTML part for
actual content of this message". Or "This message can only be read by
a client
that supports HTML".
My experience echos this. A few years ago I prototyped a system for
allowing annotations (among other things) on email list messages. In
order to do that I had to parse incoming messages, convert them to HTML
if necessary, and add links to those messages at appropriate places.
(think "click here to annotate") What I found for multipart/alternative
messages was that the HTML quite often didn't reflect the actual
structure of the message so it was hard to use, and I actually
experimented with converting the HTML to plain text before doing further
processing. But the text portion of the multipart/alternative messages
were often worse, because of things like Ned cited.