Re: Calling through two gnugks - traced - and finally solved!

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Hi All and in particular Jan!

Got the calls through two gnugks figured! Beautiful!

This one had me going for a while, but reading the manual and giving it some serious thought jogs the brain cells a bit.
Thanks Jan for making me think and RTFM!!


Michael Bondi wrote:

Thanks for the prompt feedback, appreciated.

I find it strange when I set my ExternalIP=office/ and ExternalIsDynamic=1 in the Main section, I cannot place calls from either end's endpoints to well known public IP's as well as to my respective endpoints on the other end of the gnugks.
I keep getting "Remote party is unreachable" or a "No route to 
destination" when I do the above.
When I remove the ExternalIP= and ExternalIsDynamic entries my calls 
go right through to the remote endpoints (although no audio or video) 
as well as to public IP endpoints with audio and video!
I have tested this from both ends, my office (via logmein) and my home 
Very very strange.

I have managed to get vc calls from an external ip into either end's endpoints (behind firewalls) just fine if I remove these settings.
I am now really confused....but will keep testing.

Any chance we can do a VC to discuss?

PM me if possible, and thanks again for a great project! You can be proud of your achievement!!

Jan Willamowius wrote:
Look at this:
Listen on,
Your gatekeeper is only listening to private IPs and your default IP is

2009/11/16 16:54:14.500 2 Toolkit.cxx(290) Default IP=

Michael Bondi wrote:
Here's the Level 5 trace of endpoint to endpoint via two gnugks.

Trace captured on the office gnugk with endpoint 3456 dialling to home gnugk and extension 4567 there. Both Mirial endpoints.
Thanks Jan for letting me know how to get this far.

3456 is my 3456@xxxxxxxxxxxx endpoint and 4567@xxxxxxxxxx is the endpoint on the home gatekeeper being called.
Interestingly I find this line a bit strange:

2009/11/16 16:54:45.926 4 RasSrv.cxx(2713) RAS NAT strategy for Call No: 1 set to Unknown Strategy
Maybe this can help with the gnugk to gnugk calls in future.

Thanks all.

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2009.11.16 16:54:00 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
gnugk@xxxxxxxxxxxx's password:
Linux gnugk-desktop 2.6.24-25-generic #1 SMP Tue Oct 20 07:31:10 UTC 2009 i686
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.

To access official Ubuntu documentation, please visit:
Last login: Mon Nov 16 16:49:06 2009 from

]0;gnugk@gnugk-desktop: ~gnugk@gnugk-desktop:~$ sudo gnugk -ttttt -c /etc/gatekeeper.ini 2009/11/16 16:54:14.483 2 singleton.cxx(25) Create instance: Toolkit(1) 2009/11/16 16:54:14.485 5 Toolkit.cxx(1013) GK Trying file name /tmp/gnugk.ini-5085 for temp config 2009/11/16 16:54:14.486 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 6 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:14.487 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x8423688 PXConfigWriteThread 2009/11/16 16:54:14.487 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 2 2009/11/16 16:54:14.488 4 config.cxx(221) PTLib Created PXConfig 0x8423110 2009/11/16 16:54:14.489 4 config.cxx(336) PTLib Reading config file: /tmp/gnugk.ini-5085 2009/11/16 16:54:14.489 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 7 PTextFile 2009/11/16 16:54:14.491 5 Toolkit.cxx(1046) GK Trying file name /tmp/gnugk.ini-9233 for external config 2009/11/16 16:54:14.491 4 config.cxx(221) PTLib Created PXConfig 0x8423640 2009/11/16 16:54:14.492 4 config.cxx(336) PTLib Reading config file: /tmp/gnugk.ini-9233 2009/11/16 16:54:14.492 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x8423688 PXConfigWriteThread:0xb7d12b90 2009/11/16 16:54:14.492 4 config.cxx(196) PTLib Config file cache write back thread started. 2009/11/16 16:54:14.495 4 Toolkit.cxx(346) InterfaceTable: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01] <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) [fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:06:5b:ff:fe:68:79:51] <00-06-5B-68-79-51> (eth0)
2009/11/16 16:54:14.497    2         Toolkit.cxx(359)    Internal 
Network Detected
2009/11/16 16:54:14.499    2         Toolkit.cxx(289)    
Network=, IP=
2009/11/16 16:54:14.500    2         Toolkit.cxx(289)    
Network=, IP=
2009/11/16 16:54:14.500    2         Toolkit.cxx(290)    Default 
2009/11/16 16:54:14.501    2      transports.cxx(904)    H323    Use 
of non IP transport address: ""
2009/11/16 16:54:14.501    2         Toolkit.cxx(446)    GK    H.323 
Proxy enabled
2009/11/16 16:54:14.502    2         Toolkit.cxx(469)    GK    INI 
Internal Network 0 =
2009/11/16 16:54:14.546    4         Toolkit.cxx(2311)    Std23    
STUN Public Server (
2009/11/16 16:54:14.547    4         Toolkit.cxx(2309)    Std23    
STUN Internal IF 0
2009/11/16 16:54:14.547    2         Toolkit.cxx(784)    GK    
Loaded per GW rewrite data:
2009/11/16 16:54:14.548    2         Toolkit.cxx(787)    GK    No 
per GW data loaded
2009/11/16 16:54:14.548    5           clirw.cxx(456)    CLIRW    0 
inbound rules loaded
2009/11/16 16:54:14.549    5           clirw.cxx(470)    CLIRW    0 
outbound rules loaded
2009/11/16 16:54:14.549    2       singleton.cxx(25)    Create 
instance: CapacityControl(2)
2009/11/16 16:54:14.550    5         capctrl.cxx(258)    CAPCTRL    
0 IP rules loaded
2009/11/16 16:54:14.550    5         capctrl.cxx(271)    CAPCTRL    
0 H.323 ID rules loaded
2009/11/16 16:54:14.551    5         capctrl.cxx(284)    CAPCTRL    
0 CLI rules loaded
2009/11/16 16:54:14.551    5         capctrl.cxx(258)    CAPCTRL    
0 IP rules loaded
2009/11/16 16:54:14.551    5         capctrl.cxx(271)    CAPCTRL    
0 H.323 ID rules loaded
2009/11/16 16:54:14.552    5         capctrl.cxx(284)    CAPCTRL    
0 CLI rules loaded
GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'OfficeGk' started
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.3.1) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=0,pgsql=0,firebird=0,odbc=0,sqlite=0,large_fdset=0,crypto/ssl=0,h46018=1,h46023=1) Build(Oct 28 2009, 12:46:12) Sys(Linux i686 2.6.24-25-generic)

2009/11/16 16:54:14.554 1 gk.cxx(612) GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'OfficeGk' started Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.3.1) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=0,pgsql=0,firebird=0,odbc=0,sqlite=0,large_fdset=0,crypto/ssl=0,h46018=1,h46023=1) Build(Oct 28 2009, 12:46:12) Sys(Linux i686 2.6.24-25-generic)

Listen on,

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
We also explicitly grant the right to link this code
with the OpenH323/H323Plus and OpenSSL library.

This program contains H.460.18 and H.460.19 technology patented by Tandberg
and licensed to the GNU Gatekeeper Project.

This program contains H.460.23 and H.460.24 technology
licensed to the GNU Gatekeeper Project.

2009/11/16 16:54:14.555 2 singleton.cxx(25) Create instance: CallTable(3) 2009/11/16 16:54:14.556 2 gk.cxx(656) GK Disable Bandwidth Management 2009/11/16 16:54:14.556 2 gk.cxx(665) GK TimeToLive for Registrations: 300 2009/11/16 16:54:14.557 2 singleton.cxx(25) Create instance: RasSrv(4) 2009/11/16 16:54:14.557 2 ProxyChannel.cxx(209) Q931PortRange: 30000-30999 2009/11/16 16:54:14.558 2 ProxyChannel.cxx(209) H245PortRange: 31000-31999 2009/11/16 16:54:14.558 2 ProxyChannel.cxx(209) T120PortRange: 50000-59999 2009/11/16 16:54:14.559 2 ProxyChannel.cxx(209) RTPPortRange: 1024-65535 2009/11/16 16:54:14.559 2 singleton.cxx(25) Create instance: Agent(5) 2009/11/16 16:54:14.560 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 8 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:14.560 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x842c1c0 2009/11/16 16:54:14.561 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 3 2009/11/16 16:54:14.561 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x842c1c0 Worker:0xb7cbdb90 2009/11/16 16:54:14.561 5 job.cxx(170) JOB Worker 3083590544 started 2009/11/16 16:54:14.562 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 1 total - 1 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:14.562 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 10 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:14.563 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job ProxyH(0) at Worker thread 3083590544 2009/11/16 16:54:14.563 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x842d590 2009/11/16 16:54:14.564 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 4 2009/11/16 16:54:14.564 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x842d590 Worker:0xb7c7cb90 2009/11/16 16:54:14.565 5 job.cxx(170) JOB Worker 3083324304 started 2009/11/16 16:54:14.565 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 2 total - 2 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:14.566 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job ProxyH(1) at Worker thread 3083324304 2009/11/16 16:54:14.566 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 12 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:14.567 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x8430b78 2009/11/16 16:54:14.567 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 5 2009/11/16 16:54:14.568 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x8430b78 Worker:0xb7c3bb90 2009/11/16 16:54:14.568 5 job.cxx(170) JOB Worker 3083058064 started 2009/11/16 16:54:14.568 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 3 total - 3 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:14.569 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 14 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:14.569 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job ProxyH(2) at Worker thread 3083058064 2009/11/16 16:54:14.569 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x8431f48 2009/11/16 16:54:14.570 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 6 2009/11/16 16:54:14.571 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x8431f48 Worker:0xb7bfab90 2009/11/16 16:54:14.571 5 job.cxx(170) JOB Worker 3082791824 started 2009/11/16 16:54:14.571 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 4 total - 4 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:14.572 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 16 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:14.572 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job ProxyH(3) at Worker thread 3082791824 2009/11/16 16:54:14.572 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x84343c8 2009/11/16 16:54:14.573 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 7 2009/11/16 16:54:14.574 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x84343c8 Worker:0xb7bb9b90 2009/11/16 16:54:14.574 5 job.cxx(170) JOB Worker 3082525584 started 2009/11/16 16:54:14.574 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 5 total - 5 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:14.575 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job ProxyH(4) at Worker thread 3082525584 2009/11/16 16:54:14.575 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 18 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:14.575 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x8436848 2009/11/16 16:54:14.576 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 8 2009/11/16 16:54:14.577 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x8436848 Worker:0xb7b78b90 2009/11/16 16:54:14.577 5 job.cxx(170) JOB Worker 3082259344 started 2009/11/16 16:54:14.577 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 6 total - 6 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:14.578 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job ProxyRTP(0) at Worker thread 3082259344 2009/11/16 16:54:14.578 2 RasSrv.cxx(739) GK Using Routed Signalling 2009/11/16 16:54:14.579 2 RasSrv.cxx(740) GK H.245 Routed Enabled 2009/11/16 16:54:14.579 2 RasSrv.cxx(743) GK H.460.18 Registrations Enabled 2009/11/16 16:54:14.580 2 RasSrv.cxx(758) GK No ENUMservers set, using defaults 2009/11/16 16:54:14.580 2 RasSrv.cxx(779) GK No RDSservers set, using defaults 2009/11/16 16:54:14.581 2 singleton.cxx(25) Create instance: GkStatus(6) 2009/11/16 16:54:14.581 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 20 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:14.582 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x8439e30 2009/11/16 16:54:14.582 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 9 2009/11/16 16:54:14.583 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x8439e30 Worker:0xb7b37b90 2009/11/16 16:54:14.583 5 job.cxx(170) JOB Worker 3081993104 started 2009/11/16 16:54:14.583 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 7 total - 7 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:14.584 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job GkStatus at Worker thread 3081993104 2009/11/16 16:54:14.584 2 singleton.cxx(25) Create instance: RegistrationTable(7) 2009/11/16 16:54:14.585 4 yasocket.cxx(882) TCPSrv CpsLimit disabled 2009/11/16 16:54:14.585 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 22 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:14.586 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x843e3c8 2009/11/16 16:54:14.586 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 10 2009/11/16 16:54:14.587 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x843e3c8 Worker:0xb7af6b90 2009/11/16 16:54:14.587 5 job.cxx(170) JOB Worker 3081726864 started 2009/11/16 16:54:14.587 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 8 total - 8 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:14.588 2 RasSrv.cxx(818) GK Home =, 2009/11/16 16:54:14.589 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job TCPSrv at Worker thread 3081726864 2009/11/16 16:54:14.589 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 23 PUDPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:14.590 1 RasSrv.cxx(513) Listening to 2009/11/16 16:54:14.591 5 yasocket.cxx(752) RasSrv Total sockets: 1 2009/11/16 16:54:14.591 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 24 CallSignalListener 2009/11/16 16:54:14.592 1 RasSrv.cxx(513) Listening to 2009/11/16 16:54:14.592 5 yasocket.cxx(752) TCPSrv Total sockets: 1 2009/11/16 16:54:14.593 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 25 StatusListener 2009/11/16 16:54:14.593 1 RasSrv.cxx(513) Listening to 2009/11/16 16:54:14.594 5 yasocket.cxx(752) TCPSrv Total sockets: 2 2009/11/16 16:54:14.594 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 26 PUDPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:14.595 1 RasSrv.cxx(513) Listening to 2009/11/16 16:54:14.595 5 yasocket.cxx(752) RasSrv Total sockets: 2 2009/11/16 16:54:14.596 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 27 PUDPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:14.601 1 RasSrv.cxx(513) Listening to 2009/11/16 16:54:14.602 5 yasocket.cxx(752) RasSrv Total sockets: 3 2009/11/16 16:54:14.602 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 28 CallSignalListener 2009/11/16 16:54:14.603 1 RasSrv.cxx(513) Listening to 2009/11/16 16:54:14.603 5 yasocket.cxx(752) TCPSrv Total sockets: 3 2009/11/16 16:54:14.604 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 29 StatusListener 2009/11/16 16:54:14.604 1 RasSrv.cxx(513) Listening to 2009/11/16 16:54:14.604 5 yasocket.cxx(752) TCPSrv Total sockets: 4 2009/11/16 16:54:14.605 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 30 PUDPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:14.606 1 RasSrv.cxx(879) RAS Broadcast listener listening at 2009/11/16 16:54:14.606 5 yasocket.cxx(752) RasSrv Total sockets: 4 2009/11/16 16:54:14.606 4 yasocket.cxx(882) TCPSrv CpsLimit disabled 2009/11/16 16:54:14.607 2 Routing.cxx(748) VQueue (CTI) Virtual queues disabled - no virtual queues configured 2009/11/16 16:54:14.608 2 singleton.cxx(25) Create instance: Routing::Analyzer(8) 2009/11/16 16:54:14.609 1 Routing.cxx(267) RoutingPolicy::OnARQ add policy explicit,internal,parent,neighbor,dns,catchall for prefix * 2009/11/16 16:54:14.609 1 Routing.cxx(267) RoutingPolicy::OnLRQ add policy explicit,internal,parent,neighbor,dns,catchall for prefix * 2009/11/16 16:54:14.610 1 Routing.cxx(267) RoutingPolicy::OnSetup add policy explicit,internal,parent,neighbor,dns,catchall for prefix * 2009/11/16 16:54:14.611 1 Routing.cxx(267) RoutingPolicy::OnFacility add policy explicit,internal,parent,neighbor,dns,catchall for prefix * 2009/11/16 16:54:14.611 2 gkacct.cxx(1047) GKACCT Successfully logged event 8 2009/11/16 16:54:14.612 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 32 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:14.612 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x844cdd0 2009/11/16 16:54:14.613 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 11 2009/11/16 16:54:14.613 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x844cdd0 Worker:0xb7ab5b90 2009/11/16 16:54:14.614 5 job.cxx(170) JOB Worker 3081460624 started 2009/11/16 16:54:14.614 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 9 total - 9 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:14.614 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job HouseKeeping at Worker thread 3081460624 2009/11/16 16:54:31.758 4 RasSrv.cxx(216) RAS Receiving on 2009/11/16 16:54:31.758 2 RasSrv.cxx(175) RAS Read from
2009/11/16 16:54:31.759    3          RasSrv.cxx(224)    RAS
gatekeeperRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 64046
    protocolIdentifier =
    rasAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
      port = 1719
    endpointType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 89
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 17484
        productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
        versionId =  7 octets {
          37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00                               7.0.7..
      terminal = {
      mc = false
      undefinedNode = false
    endpointAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {
        004d 0069 006b 0065                       Mike
      [1]=dialedDigits "3456"
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
    supportsAssignedGK = true
2009/11/16 16:54:31.760 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 34 Thread unblock pipe 2009/11/16 16:54:31.761 5 tlibthrd.cxx(378) PTLib Created thread 0x8450630 2009/11/16 16:54:31.761 4 tlibthrd.cxx(547) PTLib Thread high water mark set: 12 2009/11/16 16:54:31.762 5 tlibthrd.cxx(454) PTLib Started thread 0x8450630 Worker:0xb7a74b90 2009/11/16 16:54:31.762 5 job.cxx(170) JOB Worker 3081194384 started 2009/11/16 16:54:31.762 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job GRQ at Worker thread 3081194384 2009/11/16 16:54:31.762 1 RasSrv.cxx(354) RAS GRQ Received from 2009/11/16 16:54:31.763 2 RasSrv.cxx(394) GCF||Mike|terminal; 2009/11/16 16:54:31.763 3 RasSrv.cxx(236) RAS Send to
gatekeeperConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 64046
    protocolIdentifier =
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  9 characters {
      004f 0066 0066 0069 0063 0065 0047 006b   OfficeGk
      0000                                          }
    rasAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
      port = 1719
2009/11/16 16:54:31.764 5 RasSrv.cxx(250) RAS Sent Successful 2009/11/16 16:54:31.764 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 10 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:31.765 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job GRQ deleted 2009/11/16 16:54:31.765 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 9 busy, 1 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:31.776 4 RasSrv.cxx(216) RAS Receiving on 2009/11/16 16:54:31.777 2 RasSrv.cxx(175) RAS Read from
2009/11/16 16:54:31.778    3          RasSrv.cxx(224)    RAS
registrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 64047
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = true
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
        port = 1719
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 89
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 17484
        productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
        versionId =  7 octets {
          37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00                               7.0.7..
      terminal = {
      mc = false
      undefinedNode = false
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {
        004d 0069 006b 0065                       Mike
      [1]=dialedDigits "3456"
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  9 characters {
      004f 0066 0066 0069 0063 0065 0047 006b   OfficeGk
      0000                                          }
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 89
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 17484
      productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
      versionId =  7 octets {
        37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00                               7.0.7..
    keepAlive = false
    willSupplyUUIEs = true
    maintainConnection = false
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
    usageReportingCapability = {
      nonStandardUsageTypes = 0 entries {
      startTime = <<null>>
      endTime = <<null>>
      terminationCause = <<null>>
    callCreditCapability = {
      canEnforceDurationLimit = true
2009/11/16 16:54:31.779 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job RRQ at Worker thread 3081194384 2009/11/16 16:54:31.779 1 RasSrv.cxx(354) RAS RRQ Received from 2009/11/16 16:54:31.780 1 RasTbl.cxx(282) New EP||Mike:h323_ID=3456:dialedDigits|terminal|6896_endp

2009/11/16 16:54:31.781 2 RasSrv.cxx(394) RCF||Mike:h323_ID=3456:dialedDigits|terminal|6896_endp; 2009/11/16 16:54:31.781 3 RasSrv.cxx(236) RAS Send to
registrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 64047
    protocolIdentifier =
    nonStandardData = {
      nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
        t35CountryCode = 138
        t35Extension = 2
        manufacturerCode = 2
      data =  5 octets {
        4e 6f 4e 41 54                                     NoNAT
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        port = 1720
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {
        004d 0069 006b 0065                       Mike
      [1]=dialedDigits "3456"
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  9 characters {
      004f 0066 0066 0069 0063 0065 0047 006b   OfficeGk
      0000                                          }
    endpointIdentifier =  10 characters {
      0036 0038 0039 0036 005f 0065 006e 0064   6896_end
      0070 0000                                 p
    timeToLive = 300
    willRespondToIRR = false
    maintainConnection = false
    serviceControl = 1 entries {
        sessionId = 0
        contents = callCreditServiceControl {
          callStartingPoint = connect <<null>>
        reason = open <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:54:31.782 5 RasSrv.cxx(250) RAS Sent Successful 2009/11/16 16:54:31.783 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 10 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:31.783 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job RRQ deleted 2009/11/16 16:54:31.784 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 9 busy, 1 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:45.863 4 RasSrv.cxx(216) RAS Receiving on 2009/11/16 16:54:45.864 2 RasSrv.cxx(175) RAS Read from
2009/11/16 16:54:45.865    3          RasSrv.cxx(224)    RAS
admissionRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 64048
    callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
    endpointIdentifier =  10 characters {
      0036 0038 0039 0036 005f 0065 006e 0064   6896_end
      0070 0000                                 p
    destinationInfo = 1 entries {
      [0]=url_ID "4567@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    srcInfo = 2 entries {
      [0]=dialedDigits "3456"
      [1]=h323_ID  4 characters {
        004d 0069 006b 0065                       Mike
    bandWidth = 2560
    callReferenceValue = 31495
    conferenceID =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........h..l<.x
    activeMC = false
    answerCall = false
    canMapAlias = true
    callIdentifier = {
      guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  9 characters {
      004f 0066 0066 0069 0063 0065 0047 006b   OfficeGk
      0000                                          }
    willSupplyUUIEs = true
    canMapSrcAlias = false
2009/11/16 16:54:45.866 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 10 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:45.866 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job ARQ at Worker thread 3081194384 2009/11/16 16:54:45.866 1 RasSrv.cxx(354) RAS ARQ Received from 2009/11/16 16:54:45.867 2 Toolkit.cxx(675) RewriteToE164: 4567@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to 4567 2009/11/16 16:54:45.867 3 RasSrv.cxx(2538) GK ARQ will request bandwith of 2560 2009/11/16 16:54:45.868 5 Routing.h(177) ROUTING Checking policy Explicit for the request ARQ 64048 2009/11/16 16:54:45.868 5 Routing.h(177) ROUTING Checking policy Internal for the request ARQ 64048 2009/11/16 16:54:45.869 5 Routing.h(177) ROUTING Checking policy DNS for the request ARQ 64048 2009/11/16 16:54:45.924 4 Routing.cxx(616) ROUTING DNS policy resolves to 4567 @ 2009/11/16 16:54:45.925 5 Routing.h(183) ROUTING Policy DNS applied to the request ARQ 64048 2009/11/16 16:54:45.926 2 RasTbl.cxx(3309) CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 1, total sessions : 1 2009/11/16 16:54:45.926 4 RasSrv.cxx(2713) RAS NAT strategy for Call No: 1 set to Unknown Strategy 2009/11/16 16:54:45.927 2 RasSrv.cxx(394) ACF||6896_endp|31495|4567@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:url_ID|3456:dialedDigits=Mike:h323_ID|false|21-d1-8f-f5-e2-ff-18-10-8b-67-00-01-6c-3c-c6-78; 2009/11/16 16:54:45.928 3 RasSrv.cxx(236) RAS Send to
admissionConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 64048
    bandWidth = 2560
    callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
    destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
      port = 1720
    irrFrequency = 120
    destinationInfo = 1 entries {
      [0]=dialedDigits "4567"
    willRespondToIRR = false
    uuiesRequested = {
      setup = false
      callProceeding = false
      connect = false
      alerting = false
      information = false
      releaseComplete = false
      facility = false
      progress = false
      empty = false
      status = false
      statusInquiry = false
      setupAcknowledge = false
      notify = false
    serviceControl = 1 entries {
        sessionId = 0
        contents = callCreditServiceControl {
          callStartingPoint = connect <<null>>
        reason = refresh <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:54:45.929 5 RasSrv.cxx(250) RAS Sent Successful 2009/11/16 16:54:45.929 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job ARQ deleted 2009/11/16 16:54:45.930 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 9 busy, 1 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:45.937 4 yasocket.cxx(905) TCPSrv Accept request on 2009/11/16 16:54:45.938 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 10 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:45.938 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job Acceptor at Worker thread 3081194384 2009/11/16 16:54:45.950 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) Q931s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:45.951 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(1015) Q931s Received: Setup CRV=31495 from 2009/11/16 16:54:45.953 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(958) Q931 Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 31495
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      88 18 82 a5                                        ....
    IE: Display = {
      4d 69 6b 65 00                                     Mike.
    IE: Calling-Party-Number = {
      81 33 34 35 36                                     .3456
    IE: Called-Party-Number = {
      81 34 35 36 37                                     .4567
    IE: User-User = {
30 b8 06 00 08 91 4a 00 06 02 01 80 67 89 40 03 0.....J.....g.@. 00 4d 00 69 00 6b 00 65 22 c0 59 00 44 4c 0f 44 .M.i.k.e".Y.DL.D 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 06 ylogic Mirial... 37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 00 01 01 80 78 9a 00 c0 a8 7.0.7......x.... 01 0f 06 b8 00 21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 .....!........h. 01 6c 3c c6 78 00 5d 0f 80 07 00 c0 a8 01 0a 06 .l<.x.]......... b9 11 00 21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c ...!........g..l 3c c6 78 01 00 01 00 15 12 00 36 00 38 00 39 00 <.x.......6.8.9. 36 00 5f 00 65 00 6e 00 64 00 70 00 00 01 00 01 6._.e.n.d.p..... 00 40 00 00 00 00 0a 31 30 37 39 35 37 34 38 36 .@.....107957486
      32 02 80 01 00                                     2....
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
        protocolIdentifier =
        sourceAddress = 2 entries {
          [0]=dialedDigits "3456"
          [1]=h323_ID  4 characters {
            004d 0069 006b 0065                       Mike
        sourceInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 89
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 17484
            productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
            versionId =  7 octets {
37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 7.0.7..
          terminal = {
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        destinationAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=dialedDigits "4567"
        destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
          port = 1720
        activeMC = false
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........h..l<.x
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
          port = 1721
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
        mediaWaitForConnect = false
        canOverlapSend = false
        endpointIdentifier =  10 characters {
          0036 0038 0039 0036 005f 0065 006e 0064   6896_end
          0070 0000                                 p
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = false
      nonStandardData = {
        nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
          t35CountryCode = 0
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 0
        data =  10 octets {
          31 30 37 39 35 37 34 38  36 32                     1079574862
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/16 16:54:45.954 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1868) Q931s GWRewrite source for call record 2009/11/16 16:54:45.955 2 gkacct.cxx(1047) GKACCT Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 1 2009/11/16 16:54:45.956 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(4235) Q931s Set Called Numbering Plan 1 Type Of Number 0 2009/11/16 16:54:45.956 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(4265) Q931s Set Calling Numbering Plan 1 Type Of Number 0 2009/11/16 16:54:45.957 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(2631) Q931s Call 1 is NAT type 0 2009/11/16 16:54:45.958 1 ProxyChannel.cxx(862) Call 1: h245Routed=1 proxy=1 2009/11/16 16:54:45.958 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(879) GK Call 1 proxy enabled 2009/11/16 16:54:45.960 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(958) Q931 Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 31495
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      88 18 82 a5                                        ....
    IE: Display = {
      4d 69 6b 65 00                                     Mike.
    IE: Calling-Party-Number = {
      81 33 34 35 36                                     .3456
    IE: Called-Party-Number = {
      81 34 35 36 37                                     .4567
    IE: User-User = {
30 b0 06 00 08 91 4a 00 06 02 01 80 67 89 40 03 0.....J.....g.@. 00 4d 00 69 00 6b 00 65 22 c0 59 00 44 4c 0f 44 .M.i.k.e".Y.DL.D 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 06 ylogic Mirial... 37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 00 01 01 80 78 9a 00 21 d1 7.0.7......x..!. 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 00 5d .......h..l<.x.] 0f 80 07 00 c0 a8 01 0f 06 b8 11 00 21 d1 8f f5 ............!... e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 01 00 01 00 .....g..l<.x.... 15 12 00 36 00 38 00 39 00 36 00 5f 00 65 00 6e ... 00 64 00 70 00 00 01 00 01 00 40 00 00 00 00 0a .d.p......@.....
      31 30 37 39 35 37 34 38  36 32 02 80 01 00         1079574862....
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
        protocolIdentifier =
        sourceAddress = 2 entries {
          [0]=dialedDigits "3456"
          [1]=h323_ID  4 characters {
            004d 0069 006b 0065                       Mike
        sourceInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 89
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 17484
            productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
            versionId =  7 octets {
37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 7.0.7..
          terminal = {
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        destinationAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=dialedDigits "4567"
        activeMC = false
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........h..l<.x
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
          port = 1720
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
        mediaWaitForConnect = false
        canOverlapSend = false
        endpointIdentifier =  10 characters {
          0036 0038 0039 0036 005f 0065 006e 0064   6896_end
          0070 0000                                 p
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = false
      nonStandardData = {
        nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
          t35CountryCode = 0
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 0
        data =  10 octets {
          31 30 37 39 35 37 34 38  36 32                     1079574862
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/16 16:54:45.961 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 36 CallSignalSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:45.979 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(4118) Q931 Connect to from successful 2009/11/16 16:54:46.032 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) Q931d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.032 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(1015) Q931d Received: CallProceeding CRV=31495 from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.033 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(958) Q931 Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 31495
    from = destination
    messageType = CallProceeding
    IE: Display = {
      4d 69 6b 65 2d 48 6f 6d  65 00                     Mike-Home.
    IE: User-User = {
21 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 06 22 c0 59 00 44 4c 0f !.....J..".Y.DL. 44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial.. 06 37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 00 f0 e0 11 00 21 d1 8f .7.0.7.......!.. f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 01 00 01 ......g..l<.x...
      00 01 00 02 80 01 00                               .......
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = callProceeding {
        protocolIdentifier =
        destinationInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 89
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 17484
            productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
            versionId =  7 octets {
37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 7.0.7..
          terminal = {
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = false
        fastConnectRefused = <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.034 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(958) Q931 Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 31495
    from = destination
    messageType = CallProceeding
    IE: Display = {
      4d 69 6b 65 2d 48 6f 6d  65 00                     Mike-Home.
    IE: User-User = {
21 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 06 22 c0 59 00 44 4c 0f !.....J..".Y.DL. 44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial.. 06 37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 00 f0 e0 11 00 21 d1 8f .7.0.7.......!.. f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 01 00 01 ......g..l<.x...
      00 01 00 02 80 01 00                               .......
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = callProceeding {
        protocolIdentifier =
        destinationInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 89
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 17484
            productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
            versionId =  7 octets {
37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 7.0.7..
          terminal = {
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = false
        fastConnectRefused = <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.035 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(6473) ProxyH(0) total sockets 2 2009/11/16 16:54:46.035 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job Acceptor deleted 2009/11/16 16:54:46.036 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 9 busy, 1 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:46.042 4 RasSrv.cxx(216) RAS Receiving on 2009/11/16 16:54:46.043 2 RasSrv.cxx(175) RAS Read from
2009/11/16 16:54:46.044    3          RasSrv.cxx(224)    RAS
infoRequestResponse {
    requestSeqNum = 64049
    endpointType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 89
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 17484
        productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
        versionId =  7 octets {
          37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00                               7.0.7..
      terminal = {
      mc = false
      undefinedNode = false
    endpointIdentifier =  10 characters {
      0036 0038 0039 0036 005f 0065 006e 0064   6896_end
      0070 0000                                 p
    rasAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
      port = 1719
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
        port = 1720
    endpointAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=dialedDigits "3456"
      [1]=h323_ID  4 characters {
        004d 0069 006b 0065                       Mike
    perCallInfo = 1 entries {
        callReferenceValue = 31495
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........h..l<.x
        originator = true
        h245 = {
        callSignaling = {
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        bandWidth = 0
        callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
        substituteConfIDs = 0 entries {
        usageInformation = {
          nonStandardUsageFields = 0 entries {
    needResponse = false
    unsolicited = true
2009/11/16 16:54:46.045 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 10 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:46.046 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job IRR at Worker thread 3081194384 2009/11/16 16:54:46.047 1 RasSrv.cxx(354) RAS IRR Received from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.047 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) Q931d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.047 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(1015) Q931d Received: Alerting CRV=31495 from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.048 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(958) Q931 Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 31495
    from = destination
    messageType = Alerting
    IE: Display = {
      4d 69 6b 65 2d 48 6f 6d  65 00                     Mike-Home.
    IE: User-User = {
23 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 06 22 c0 59 00 44 4c 0f #.....J..".Y.DL. 44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial.. 06 37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 00 d0 c0 11 00 21 d1 8f .7.0.7.......!.. f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 01 00 01 ......g..l<.x...
      00 02 80 01 00                                     .....
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = alerting {
        protocolIdentifier =
        destinationInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 89
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 17484
            productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
            versionId =  7 octets {
37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 7.0.7..
          terminal = {
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = false
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.049 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(958) Q931 Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 31495
    from = destination
    messageType = Alerting
    IE: Display = {
      4d 69 6b 65 2d 48 6f 6d  65 00                     Mike-Home.
    IE: User-User = {
23 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 06 22 c0 59 00 44 4c 0f #.....J..".Y.DL. 44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial.. 06 37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 00 d0 c0 11 00 21 d1 8f .7.0.7.......!.. f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 01 00 01 ......g..l<.x...
      00 02 80 01 00                                     .....
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = alerting {
        protocolIdentifier =
        destinationInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 89
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 17484
            productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
            versionId =  7 octets {
37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 7.0.7..
          terminal = {
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = false
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.050 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job IRR deleted 2009/11/16 16:54:46.051 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 9 busy, 1 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:46.064 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) Q931d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.064 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(1015) Q931d Received: Connect CRV=31495 from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.065 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(958) Q931 Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 31495
    from = destination
    messageType = Connect
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      88 18 86 a5                                        ....
    IE: Display = {
      4d 69 6b 65 2d 48 6f 6d  65 00                     Mike-Home.
    IE: User-User = {
22 c0 06 00 08 91 4a 00 06 00 29 f7 07 b9 79 1e ".....J...)...y. 22 c0 59 00 44 4c 0f 44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d ".Y.DL.Dylogic M 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 06 37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 00 irial...7.0.7... 21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........h..l<.x 17 0c 20 11 00 21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 .. ..!........g. 01 6c 3c c6 78 01 00 01 00 01 00 02 80 01 00 .l<.x..........
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = connect {
        protocolIdentifier =
        h245Address = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            29 f7 07 b9                                        )...
          port = 31006
        destinationInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 89
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 17484
            productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
            versionId =  7 octets {
37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 7.0.7..
          terminal = {
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........h..l<.x
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = false
        fastConnectRefused = <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.066 2 gkacct.cxx(1047) GKACCT Successfully logged event 32 for call no. 1 2009/11/16 16:54:46.066 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 37 TCPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:46.066 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(4587) H245 Set h245Address to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.066 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 10 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:46.067 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(958) Q931 Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 31495
    from = destination
    messageType = Connect
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      88 18 86 a5                                        ....
    IE: Display = {
      4d 69 6b 65 2d 48 6f 6d  65 00                     Mike-Home.
    IE: User-User = {
22 c0 06 00 08 91 4a 00 06 00 c0 a8 01 0f 79 18 ".....J.......y. 22 c0 59 00 44 4c 0f 44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d ".Y.DL.Dylogic M 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 06 37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 00 irial...7.0.7... 21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........h..l<.x 17 0c 20 11 00 21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 .. ..!........g. 01 6c 3c c6 78 01 00 01 00 01 00 02 80 01 00 .l<.x..........
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = connect {
        protocolIdentifier =
        h245Address = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
          port = 31000
        destinationInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 89
              t35Extension = 0
              manufacturerCode = 17484
            productId =  16 octets {
44 79 6c 6f 67 69 63 20 4d 69 72 69 61 6c 00 00 Dylogic Mirial..
            versionId =  7 octets {
37 2e 30 2e 37 00 00 7.0.7..
          terminal = {
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........h..l<.x
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = false
        fastConnectRefused = <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.069 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job H245Connector at Worker thread 3081194384 2009/11/16 16:54:46.274 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(4506) H245 Connected from on 2009/11/16 16:54:46.292 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(4538) H245 Connect to from successful 2009/11/16 16:54:46.293 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(6473) ProxyH(0) total sockets 4 2009/11/16 16:54:46.293 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job H245Connector deleted 2009/11/16 16:54:46.294 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 9 busy, 1 idle 2009/11/16 16:54:46.365 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.367 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request terminalCapabilitySet {
    sequenceNumber = 1
    protocolIdentifier =
    multiplexCapability = h2250Capability {
      maximumAudioDelayJitter = 250
      receiveMultipointCapability = {
        multicastCapability = false
        multiUniCastConference = false
        mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries {
            centralizedControl = false
            distributedControl = false
            centralizedAudio = false
            distributedAudio = false
            centralizedVideo = false
            distributedVideo = false
      transmitMultipointCapability = {
        multicastCapability = false
        multiUniCastConference = false
        mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries {
            centralizedControl = false
            distributedControl = false
            centralizedAudio = false
            distributedAudio = false
            centralizedVideo = false
            distributedVideo = false
      receiveAndTransmitMultipointCapability = {
        multicastCapability = false
        multiUniCastConference = false
        mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries {
            centralizedControl = false
            distributedControl = false
            centralizedAudio = false
            distributedAudio = false
            centralizedVideo = false
            distributedVideo = false
      mcCapability = {
        centralizedConferenceMC = false
        decentralizedConferenceMC = false
      rtcpVideoControlCapability = false
      mediaPacketizationCapability = {
        h261aVideoPacketization = false
      logicalChannelSwitchingCapability = false
      t120DynamicPortCapability = false
    capabilityTable = 7 entries {
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 1
        capability = receiveAudioCapability genericAudioCapability {
          capabilityIdentifier = standard
          maxBitRate = 480
          collapsing = 2 entries {
              parameterIdentifier = standard 1
              parameterValue = unsignedMin 1
              parameterIdentifier = standard 2
              parameterValue = booleanArray 112
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 2
        capability = receiveAudioCapability g711Ulaw64k 20
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 3
        capability = receiveVideoCapability h263VideoCapability {
          cifMPI = 1
          maxBitRate = 1280
          unrestrictedVector = true
          arithmeticCoding = false
          advancedPrediction = true
          pbFrames = false
          temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability = false
          errorCompensation = false
          h263Options = {
            advancedIntraCodingMode = true
            deblockingFilterMode = true
            improvedPBFramesMode = false
            unlimitedMotionVectors = false
            fullPictureFreeze = true
            partialPictureFreezeAndRelease = false
            resizingPartPicFreezeAndRelease = false
            fullPictureSnapshot = false
            partialPictureSnapshot = false
            videoSegmentTagging = false
            progressiveRefinement = false
            dynamicPictureResizingByFour = false
            dynamicPictureResizingSixteenthPel = false
            dynamicWarpingHalfPel = false
            dynamicWarpingSixteenthPel = false
            independentSegmentDecoding = false
            slicesInOrder_NonRect = false
            slicesInOrder_Rect = false
            slicesNoOrder_NonRect = false
            slicesNoOrder_Rect = false
            alternateInterVLCMode = true
            modifiedQuantizationMode = true
            reducedResolutionUpdate = false
            separateVideoBackChannel = false
            videoBadMBsCap = false
            h263Version3Options = {
              dataPartitionedSlices = false
              fixedPointIDCT0 = false
              interlacedFields = false
              currentPictureHeaderRepetition = false
              previousPictureHeaderRepetition = false
              nextPictureHeaderRepetition = false
              pictureNumber = false
              spareReferencePictures = false
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 4
        capability = receiveVideoCapability extendedVideoCapability {
          videoCapability = 1 entries {
            [0]=genericVideoCapability {
              capabilityIdentifier = standard
              maxBitRate = 1280
              collapsing = 5 entries {
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 41
                  parameterValue = booleanArray 64
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 42
                  parameterValue = unsignedMin 71
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 3
                  parameterValue = unsignedMin 231
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 4
                  parameterValue = unsignedMin 15
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 5
                  parameterValue = unsignedMin 240
          videoCapabilityExtension = 1 entries {
              capabilityIdentifier = standard
              collapsing = 1 entries {
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 1
                  parameterValue = booleanArray 1
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 5
        capability = receiveVideoCapability extendedVideoCapability {
          videoCapability = 1 entries {
            [0]=h263VideoCapability {
              cifMPI = 1
              cif4MPI = 1
              maxBitRate = 1280
              unrestrictedVector = true
              arithmeticCoding = false
              advancedPrediction = true
              pbFrames = false
              temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability = false
              errorCompensation = false
              h263Options = {
                advancedIntraCodingMode = true
                deblockingFilterMode = true
                improvedPBFramesMode = false
                unlimitedMotionVectors = false
                fullPictureFreeze = true
                partialPictureFreezeAndRelease = false
                resizingPartPicFreezeAndRelease = false
                fullPictureSnapshot = false
                partialPictureSnapshot = false
                videoSegmentTagging = false
                progressiveRefinement = false
                dynamicPictureResizingByFour = false
                dynamicPictureResizingSixteenthPel = false
                dynamicWarpingHalfPel = false
                dynamicWarpingSixteenthPel = false
                independentSegmentDecoding = false
                slicesInOrder_NonRect = false
                slicesInOrder_Rect = false
                slicesNoOrder_NonRect = false
                slicesNoOrder_Rect = false
                alternateInterVLCMode = true
                modifiedQuantizationMode = true
                reducedResolutionUpdate = false
                separateVideoBackChannel = false
                customPictureFormat = 6 entries {
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 320
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 192
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 320
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 192
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 256
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 192
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 256
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 192
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 200
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 150
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 200
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 150
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 192
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 144
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 192
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 144
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 180
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 120
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 180
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 120
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 160
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 120
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 160
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 120
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                videoBadMBsCap = false
                h263Version3Options = {
                  dataPartitionedSlices = false
                  fixedPointIDCT0 = false
                  interlacedFields = false
                  currentPictureHeaderRepetition = false
                  previousPictureHeaderRepetition = false
                  nextPictureHeaderRepetition = false
                  pictureNumber = false
                  spareReferencePictures = false
          videoCapabilityExtension = 1 entries {
              capabilityIdentifier = standard
              collapsing = 1 entries {
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 1
                  parameterValue = booleanArray 1
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 6
        capability = receiveAndTransmitDataApplicationCapability {
          application = h224 hdlcFrameTunnelling <<null>>
          maxBitRate = 6400
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 7
        capability = genericControlCapability {
          capabilityIdentifier = standard
    capabilityDescriptors = 1 entries {
        capabilityDescriptorNumber = 1
        simultaneousCapabilities = 5 entries {
          [0]=2 entries {
          [1]=1 entries {
          [2]=2 entries {
          [3]=1 entries {
          [4]=1 entries {
2009/11/16 16:54:46.371 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: terminalCapabilitySet 2009/11/16 16:54:46.373 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.374 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request terminalCapabilitySet {
    sequenceNumber = 1
    protocolIdentifier =
    multiplexCapability = h2250Capability {
      maximumAudioDelayJitter = 250
      receiveMultipointCapability = {
        multicastCapability = false
        multiUniCastConference = false
        mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries {
            centralizedControl = false
            distributedControl = false
            centralizedAudio = false
            distributedAudio = false
            centralizedVideo = false
            distributedVideo = false
      transmitMultipointCapability = {
        multicastCapability = false
        multiUniCastConference = false
        mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries {
            centralizedControl = false
            distributedControl = false
            centralizedAudio = false
            distributedAudio = false
            centralizedVideo = false
            distributedVideo = false
      receiveAndTransmitMultipointCapability = {
        multicastCapability = false
        multiUniCastConference = false
        mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries {
            centralizedControl = false
            distributedControl = false
            centralizedAudio = false
            distributedAudio = false
            centralizedVideo = false
            distributedVideo = false
      mcCapability = {
        centralizedConferenceMC = false
        decentralizedConferenceMC = false
      rtcpVideoControlCapability = false
      mediaPacketizationCapability = {
        h261aVideoPacketization = false
      logicalChannelSwitchingCapability = false
      t120DynamicPortCapability = false
    capabilityTable = 10 entries {
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 1
        capability = receiveAudioCapability genericAudioCapability {
          capabilityIdentifier = standard
          maxBitRate = 480
          collapsing = 2 entries {
              parameterIdentifier = standard 1
              parameterValue = unsignedMin 1
              parameterIdentifier = standard 2
              parameterValue = booleanArray 112
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 2
        capability = receiveAudioCapability g711Ulaw64k 20
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 3
        capability = receiveAudioCapability g711Alaw64k 20
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 4
        capability = receiveAudioCapability g7231 {
          maxAl_sduAudioFrames = 1
          silenceSuppression = false
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 5
        capability = receiveVideoCapability genericVideoCapability {
          capabilityIdentifier = standard
          maxBitRate = 3840
          collapsing = 5 entries {
              parameterIdentifier = standard 41
              parameterValue = booleanArray 64
              parameterIdentifier = standard 42
              parameterValue = unsignedMin 50
              parameterIdentifier = standard 3
              parameterValue = unsignedMin 96
              parameterIdentifier = standard 4
              parameterValue = unsignedMin 7
              parameterIdentifier = standard 5
              parameterValue = unsignedMin 240
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 6
        capability = receiveVideoCapability h263VideoCapability {
          cifMPI = 1
          cif4MPI = 1
          maxBitRate = 3840
          unrestrictedVector = true
          arithmeticCoding = false
          advancedPrediction = true
          pbFrames = false
          temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability = false
          errorCompensation = false
          h263Options = {
            advancedIntraCodingMode = true
            deblockingFilterMode = true
            improvedPBFramesMode = false
            unlimitedMotionVectors = false
            fullPictureFreeze = true
            partialPictureFreezeAndRelease = false
            resizingPartPicFreezeAndRelease = false
            fullPictureSnapshot = false
            partialPictureSnapshot = false
            videoSegmentTagging = false
            progressiveRefinement = false
            dynamicPictureResizingByFour = false
            dynamicPictureResizingSixteenthPel = false
            dynamicWarpingHalfPel = false
            dynamicWarpingSixteenthPel = false
            independentSegmentDecoding = false
            slicesInOrder_NonRect = false
            slicesInOrder_Rect = false
            slicesNoOrder_NonRect = false
            slicesNoOrder_Rect = false
            alternateInterVLCMode = true
            modifiedQuantizationMode = true
            reducedResolutionUpdate = false
            separateVideoBackChannel = false
            videoBadMBsCap = false
            h263Version3Options = {
              dataPartitionedSlices = false
              fixedPointIDCT0 = false
              interlacedFields = false
              currentPictureHeaderRepetition = false
              previousPictureHeaderRepetition = false
              nextPictureHeaderRepetition = false
              pictureNumber = false
              spareReferencePictures = false
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 7
        capability = receiveVideoCapability extendedVideoCapability {
          videoCapability = 1 entries {
            [0]=genericVideoCapability {
              capabilityIdentifier = standard
              maxBitRate = 3840
              collapsing = 5 entries {
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 41
                  parameterValue = booleanArray 64
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 42
                  parameterValue = unsignedMin 71
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 3
                  parameterValue = unsignedMin 231
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 4
                  parameterValue = unsignedMin 15
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 5
                  parameterValue = unsignedMin 240
          videoCapabilityExtension = 1 entries {
              capabilityIdentifier = standard
              collapsing = 1 entries {
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 1
                  parameterValue = booleanArray 1
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 8
        capability = receiveVideoCapability extendedVideoCapability {
          videoCapability = 1 entries {
            [0]=h263VideoCapability {
              cifMPI = 1
              cif4MPI = 1
              maxBitRate = 3840
              unrestrictedVector = true
              arithmeticCoding = false
              advancedPrediction = true
              pbFrames = false
              temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability = false
              errorCompensation = false
              h263Options = {
                advancedIntraCodingMode = true
                deblockingFilterMode = true
                improvedPBFramesMode = false
                unlimitedMotionVectors = false
                fullPictureFreeze = true
                partialPictureFreezeAndRelease = false
                resizingPartPicFreezeAndRelease = false
                fullPictureSnapshot = false
                partialPictureSnapshot = false
                videoSegmentTagging = false
                progressiveRefinement = false
                dynamicPictureResizingByFour = false
                dynamicPictureResizingSixteenthPel = false
                dynamicWarpingHalfPel = false
                dynamicWarpingSixteenthPel = false
                independentSegmentDecoding = false
                slicesInOrder_NonRect = false
                slicesInOrder_Rect = false
                slicesNoOrder_NonRect = false
                slicesNoOrder_Rect = false
                alternateInterVLCMode = true
                modifiedQuantizationMode = true
                reducedResolutionUpdate = false
                separateVideoBackChannel = false
                customPictureFormat = 6 entries {
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 320
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 192
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 320
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 192
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 256
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 192
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 256
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 192
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 200
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 150
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 200
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 150
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 192
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 144
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 192
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 144
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 180
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 120
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 180
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 120
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                    maxCustomPictureWidth = 160
                    maxCustomPictureHeight = 120
                    minCustomPictureWidth = 160
                    minCustomPictureHeight = 120
                    mPI = {
                      standardMPI = 1
                    pixelAspectInformation = anyPixelAspectRatio true
                videoBadMBsCap = false
                h263Version3Options = {
                  dataPartitionedSlices = false
                  fixedPointIDCT0 = false
                  interlacedFields = false
                  currentPictureHeaderRepetition = false
                  previousPictureHeaderRepetition = false
                  nextPictureHeaderRepetition = false
                  pictureNumber = false
                  spareReferencePictures = false
          videoCapabilityExtension = 1 entries {
              capabilityIdentifier = standard
              collapsing = 1 entries {
                  parameterIdentifier = standard 1
                  parameterValue = booleanArray 1
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 9
        capability = receiveAndTransmitDataApplicationCapability {
          application = h224 hdlcFrameTunnelling <<null>>
          maxBitRate = 6400
        capabilityTableEntryNumber = 10
        capability = genericControlCapability {
          capabilityIdentifier = standard
    capabilityDescriptors = 1 entries {
        capabilityDescriptorNumber = 1
        simultaneousCapabilities = 5 entries {
          [0]=4 entries {
          [1]=2 entries {
          [2]=2 entries {
          [3]=1 entries {
          [4]=1 entries {
2009/11/16 16:54:46.403 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: terminalCapabilitySet 2009/11/16 16:54:46.404 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.405 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request masterSlaveDetermination {
    terminalType = 50
    statusDeterminationNumber = 5580295
2009/11/16 16:54:46.405 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: masterSlaveDetermination 2009/11/16 16:54:46.406 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.407 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request masterSlaveDetermination {
    terminalType = 50
    statusDeterminationNumber = 3692882
2009/11/16 16:54:46.407 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: masterSlaveDetermination 2009/11/16 16:54:46.420 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.421 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response terminalCapabilitySetAck {
    sequenceNumber = 1
2009/11/16 16:54:46.421 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: terminalCapabilitySetAck 2009/11/16 16:54:46.423 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.423 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response terminalCapabilitySetAck {
    sequenceNumber = 1
2009/11/16 16:54:46.424 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: terminalCapabilitySetAck 2009/11/16 16:54:46.427 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.428 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response masterSlaveDeterminationAck {
    decision = master <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:54:46.428 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: masterSlaveDeterminationAck 2009/11/16 16:54:46.440 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.440 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response masterSlaveDeterminationAck {
    decision = slave <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:54:46.441 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: masterSlaveDeterminationAck 2009/11/16 16:54:46.572 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.573 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = audioData genericAudioCapability {
        capabilityIdentifier = standard
        maxBitRate = 480
        collapsing = 2 entries {
            parameterIdentifier = standard 1
            parameterValue = unsignedMin 1
            parameterIdentifier = standard 2
            parameterValue = booleanArray 16
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 1
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 00 0f                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1043
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 107
2009/11/16 16:54:46.574 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: openLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:54:46.575 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 39 PUDPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:46.575 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 40 PUDPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:46.576 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(6153) RTP Open logical channel 101 id 1 port 1024 2009/11/16 16:54:46.576 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = audioData genericAudioCapability {
        capabilityIdentifier = standard
        maxBitRate = 480
        collapsing = 2 entries {
            parameterIdentifier = standard 1
            parameterValue = unsignedMin 1
            parameterIdentifier = standard 2
            parameterValue = booleanArray 16
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 1
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1025
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 107
2009/11/16 16:54:46.625 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.626 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = videoData h263VideoCapability {
        cifMPI = 1
        maxBitRate = 1280
        unrestrictedVector = true
        arithmeticCoding = false
        advancedPrediction = true
        pbFrames = false
        temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability = false
        errorCompensation = false
        h263Options = {
          advancedIntraCodingMode = true
          deblockingFilterMode = true
          improvedPBFramesMode = false
          unlimitedMotionVectors = false
          fullPictureFreeze = true
          partialPictureFreezeAndRelease = false
          resizingPartPicFreezeAndRelease = false
          fullPictureSnapshot = false
          partialPictureSnapshot = false
          videoSegmentTagging = false
          progressiveRefinement = false
          dynamicPictureResizingByFour = false
          dynamicPictureResizingSixteenthPel = false
          dynamicWarpingHalfPel = false
          dynamicWarpingSixteenthPel = false
          independentSegmentDecoding = false
          slicesInOrder_NonRect = false
          slicesInOrder_Rect = false
          slicesNoOrder_NonRect = false
          slicesNoOrder_Rect = false
          alternateInterVLCMode = true
          modifiedQuantizationMode = true
          reducedResolutionUpdate = false
          separateVideoBackChannel = false
          videoBadMBsCap = false
          h263Version3Options = {
            dataPartitionedSlices = false
            fixedPointIDCT0 = false
            interlacedFields = false
            currentPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            previousPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            nextPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            pictureNumber = false
            spareReferencePictures = false
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 2
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 00 0f                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1045
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 96
        mediaPacketization = rtpPayloadType {
          payloadDescriptor = rfc_number 2429
2009/11/16 16:54:46.627 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: openLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:54:46.627 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 41 PUDPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:46.628 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 42 PUDPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:46.629 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(6153) RTP Open logical channel 102 id 2 port 1026 2009/11/16 16:54:46.629 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = videoData h263VideoCapability {
        cifMPI = 1
        maxBitRate = 1280
        unrestrictedVector = true
        arithmeticCoding = false
        advancedPrediction = true
        pbFrames = false
        temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability = false
        errorCompensation = false
        h263Options = {
          advancedIntraCodingMode = true
          deblockingFilterMode = true
          improvedPBFramesMode = false
          unlimitedMotionVectors = false
          fullPictureFreeze = true
          partialPictureFreezeAndRelease = false
          resizingPartPicFreezeAndRelease = false
          fullPictureSnapshot = false
          partialPictureSnapshot = false
          videoSegmentTagging = false
          progressiveRefinement = false
          dynamicPictureResizingByFour = false
          dynamicPictureResizingSixteenthPel = false
          dynamicWarpingHalfPel = false
          dynamicWarpingSixteenthPel = false
          independentSegmentDecoding = false
          slicesInOrder_NonRect = false
          slicesInOrder_Rect = false
          slicesNoOrder_NonRect = false
          slicesNoOrder_Rect = false
          alternateInterVLCMode = true
          modifiedQuantizationMode = true
          reducedResolutionUpdate = false
          separateVideoBackChannel = false
          videoBadMBsCap = false
          h263Version3Options = {
            dataPartitionedSlices = false
            fixedPointIDCT0 = false
            interlacedFields = false
            currentPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            previousPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            nextPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            pictureNumber = false
            spareReferencePictures = false
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 2
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1027
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 96
        mediaPacketization = rtpPayloadType {
          payloadDescriptor = rfc_number 2429
2009/11/16 16:54:46.631 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.632 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = data {
        application = h224 hdlcFrameTunnelling <<null>>
        maxBitRate = 6400
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 224
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 00 0f                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1047
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 126
2009/11/16 16:54:46.633 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: openLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:54:46.633 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 43 PUDPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:46.634 4 osutil.cxx(188) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 44 PUDPSocket 2009/11/16 16:54:46.634 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(6153) RTP Open logical channel 103 id 224 port 1028 2009/11/16 16:54:46.635 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = data {
        application = h224 hdlcFrameTunnelling <<null>>
        maxBitRate = 6400
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 224
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1029
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 126
2009/11/16 16:54:46.695 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.696 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = audioData genericAudioCapability {
        capabilityIdentifier = standard
        maxBitRate = 240
        collapsing = 2 entries {
            parameterIdentifier = standard 1
            parameterValue = unsignedMin 1
            parameterIdentifier = standard 2
            parameterValue = booleanArray 64
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 1
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1025
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 107
2009/11/16 16:54:46.697 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: openLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:54:46.697 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(6153) RTP Open logical channel 101 id 1 port 1024 2009/11/16 16:54:46.698 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = audioData genericAudioCapability {
        capabilityIdentifier = standard
        maxBitRate = 240
        collapsing = 2 entries {
            parameterIdentifier = standard 1
            parameterValue = unsignedMin 1
            parameterIdentifier = standard 2
            parameterValue = booleanArray 64
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 1
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1025
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 107
2009/11/16 16:54:46.741 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.742 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 1
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1042
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1043
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.743 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: openLogicalChannelAck 2009/11/16 16:54:46.743 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4816) RTCP Reverse to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.744 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4816) RTP Reverse to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.744 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(6473) ProxyRTP(0) total sockets 2 2009/11/16 16:54:46.745 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 1
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1024
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1025
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.761 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.762 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = videoData h263VideoCapability {
        cifMPI = 1
        cif4MPI = 1
        maxBitRate = 800
        unrestrictedVector = true
        arithmeticCoding = false
        advancedPrediction = true
        pbFrames = false
        temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability = false
        errorCompensation = false
        h263Options = {
          advancedIntraCodingMode = true
          deblockingFilterMode = true
          improvedPBFramesMode = false
          unlimitedMotionVectors = false
          fullPictureFreeze = true
          partialPictureFreezeAndRelease = false
          resizingPartPicFreezeAndRelease = false
          fullPictureSnapshot = false
          partialPictureSnapshot = false
          videoSegmentTagging = false
          progressiveRefinement = false
          dynamicPictureResizingByFour = false
          dynamicPictureResizingSixteenthPel = false
          dynamicWarpingHalfPel = false
          dynamicWarpingSixteenthPel = false
          independentSegmentDecoding = false
          slicesInOrder_NonRect = false
          slicesInOrder_Rect = false
          slicesNoOrder_NonRect = false
          slicesNoOrder_Rect = false
          alternateInterVLCMode = true
          modifiedQuantizationMode = true
          reducedResolutionUpdate = false
          separateVideoBackChannel = false
          videoBadMBsCap = false
          h263Version3Options = {
            dataPartitionedSlices = false
            fixedPointIDCT0 = false
            interlacedFields = false
            currentPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            previousPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            nextPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            pictureNumber = false
            spareReferencePictures = false
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 2
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1027
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 96
        mediaPacketization = rtpPayloadType {
          payloadDescriptor = rfc_number 2429
2009/11/16 16:54:46.764 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: openLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:54:46.764 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(6153) RTP Open logical channel 102 id 2 port 1026 2009/11/16 16:54:46.764 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = videoData h263VideoCapability {
        cifMPI = 1
        cif4MPI = 1
        maxBitRate = 800
        unrestrictedVector = true
        arithmeticCoding = false
        advancedPrediction = true
        pbFrames = false
        temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability = false
        errorCompensation = false
        h263Options = {
          advancedIntraCodingMode = true
          deblockingFilterMode = true
          improvedPBFramesMode = false
          unlimitedMotionVectors = false
          fullPictureFreeze = true
          partialPictureFreezeAndRelease = false
          resizingPartPicFreezeAndRelease = false
          fullPictureSnapshot = false
          partialPictureSnapshot = false
          videoSegmentTagging = false
          progressiveRefinement = false
          dynamicPictureResizingByFour = false
          dynamicPictureResizingSixteenthPel = false
          dynamicWarpingHalfPel = false
          dynamicWarpingSixteenthPel = false
          independentSegmentDecoding = false
          slicesInOrder_NonRect = false
          slicesInOrder_Rect = false
          slicesNoOrder_NonRect = false
          slicesNoOrder_Rect = false
          alternateInterVLCMode = true
          modifiedQuantizationMode = true
          reducedResolutionUpdate = false
          separateVideoBackChannel = false
          videoBadMBsCap = false
          h263Version3Options = {
            dataPartitionedSlices = false
            fixedPointIDCT0 = false
            interlacedFields = false
            currentPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            previousPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            nextPictureHeaderRepetition = false
            pictureNumber = false
            spareReferencePictures = false
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 2
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1027
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 96
        mediaPacketization = rtpPayloadType {
          payloadDescriptor = rfc_number 2429
2009/11/16 16:54:46.772 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.773 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = data {
        application = h224 hdlcFrameTunnelling <<null>>
        maxBitRate = 6400
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 224
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1029
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 126
2009/11/16 16:54:46.774 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: openLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:54:46.774 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(6153) RTP Open logical channel 103 id 224 port 1028 2009/11/16 16:54:46.775 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: request openLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
      dataType = data {
        application = h224 hdlcFrameTunnelling <<null>>
        maxBitRate = 6400
      multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters {
        sessionID = 224
        mediaGuaranteedDelivery = false
        mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
          network =  4 octets {
            c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
          tsapIdentifier = 1029
        dynamicRTPPayloadType = 126
2009/11/16 16:54:46.793 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.794 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 2
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1044
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1045
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.795 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: openLogicalChannelAck 2009/11/16 16:54:46.795 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4816) RTCP Reverse to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.796 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4816) RTP Reverse to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.796 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(6473) ProxyRTP(0) total sockets 4 2009/11/16 16:54:46.796 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 2
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1026
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1027
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.813 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.814 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 224
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1046
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 00 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1047
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.814 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: openLogicalChannelAck 2009/11/16 16:54:46.815 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4816) RTCP Reverse to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.815 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4816) RTP Reverse to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.816 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(6473) ProxyRTP(0) total sockets 6 2009/11/16 16:54:46.816 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 224
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1028
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1029
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.887 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.887 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 1
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1024
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1025
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.888 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: openLogicalChannelAck 2009/11/16 16:54:46.888 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4777) RTCP Forward to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.889 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4777) RTP Forward to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.889 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 1
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1024
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1025
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.912 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.913 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 2
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1026
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1027
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.914 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: openLogicalChannelAck 2009/11/16 16:54:46.914 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4777) RTCP Forward to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.915 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4777) RTP Forward to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.915 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 2
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1026
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1027
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.917 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:54:46.918 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 224
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1028
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1029
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:46.919 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: openLogicalChannelAck 2009/11/16 16:54:46.919 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4777) RTCP Forward to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.920 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(4777) RTP Forward to 2009/11/16 16:54:46.920 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(1343) H245 To send: response openLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    forwardMultiplexAckParameters = h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters {
      sessionID = 224
      mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1028
      mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress {
        network =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0f                                        ....
        tsapIdentifier = 1029
      flowControlToZero = false
2009/11/16 16:54:58.693 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5040) RTCP Session SenderReport packet 2009/11/16 16:54:58.693 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5045) RTCP Session SetRTCP_DST_packet_count:589 2009/11/16 16:54:58.693 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5064) RTCP Session SourceDescription packet 2009/11/16 16:54:58.811 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5040) RTCP Session SenderReport packet 2009/11/16 16:54:58.811 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5045) RTCP Session SetRTCP_DST_packet_count:234 2009/11/16 16:54:58.811 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5064) RTCP Session SourceDescription packet 2009/11/16 16:55:09.613 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5040) RTCP Session SenderReport packet 2009/11/16 16:55:09.613 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5045) RTCP Session SetRTCP_DST_packet_count:1135 2009/11/16 16:55:09.613 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5064) RTCP Session SourceDescription packet 2009/11/16 16:55:13.481 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5040) RTCP Session SenderReport packet 2009/11/16 16:55:13.481 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5045) RTCP Session SetRTCP_DST_packet_count:526 2009/11/16 16:55:13.482 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(5064) RTCP Session SourceDescription packet 2009/11/16 16:55:17.718 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.720 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request requestChannelClose {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    reason = normal <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.720 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: requestChannelClose 2009/11/16 16:55:17.721 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.721 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request requestChannelClose {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    reason = normal <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.722 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: requestChannelClose 2009/11/16 16:55:17.723 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.723 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request requestChannelClose {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    reason = normal <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.724 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: requestChannelClose 2009/11/16 16:55:17.730 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.731 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request closeLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    source = lcse <<null>>
    reason = unknown <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.731 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: closeLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:55:17.732 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5370) RTP Delete logical channel 101 2009/11/16 16:55:17.732 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.733 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request closeLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    source = lcse <<null>>
    reason = unknown <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.733 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: closeLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:55:17.734 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5370) RTP Delete logical channel 102 2009/11/16 16:55:17.734 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.735 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request closeLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    source = lcse <<null>>
    reason = unknown <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.735 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: closeLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:55:17.736 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5370) RTP Delete logical channel 103 2009/11/16 16:55:17.740 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.741 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from command endSessionCommand disconnect <<null>> 2009/11/16 16:55:17.741 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(4353) H245 Command: endSessionCommand 2009/11/16 16:55:17.742 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.743 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response requestChannelCloseAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
2009/11/16 16:55:17.743 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: requestChannelCloseAck 2009/11/16 16:55:17.758 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.759 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request closeLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
    source = lcse <<null>>
    reason = unknown <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.759 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: closeLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:55:17.759 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5370) RTP Delete logical channel 101 2009/11/16 16:55:17.765 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) Q931s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.766 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(1015) Q931s Received: ReleaseComplete CRV=31495 from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.767 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(958) Q931 Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 31495
    from = originator
    messageType = ReleaseComplete
    IE: Cause - Normal call clearing = {
      80 90                                              ..
    IE: User-User = {
25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 06 01 11 00 21 d1 8f f5 %.....J.....!... e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 02 80 01 00 .....g..l<.x....
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
        protocolIdentifier =
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/16 16:55:17.768 1 RasTbl.cxx(3711) CDR|1|21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78|31|Mon, 16 Nov 2009 16:54:46 +0200|Mon, 16 Nov 2009 16:55:17 +0200||6896_endp|| |4567@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:url_ID|3456:dialedDigits=Mike:h323_ID|OfficeGk;

2009/11/16 16:55:17.769 2 gkacct.cxx(1047) GKACCT Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 1 2009/11/16 16:55:17.770 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(958) Q931 Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 31495
    from = originator
    messageType = ReleaseComplete
    IE: Cause - Normal call clearing = {
      80 90                                              ..
    IE: User-User = {
25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 06 01 11 00 21 d1 8f f5 %.....J.....!... e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 02 80 01 00 .....g..l<.x....
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
        protocolIdentifier =
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/16 16:55:17.775 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.776 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response requestChannelCloseAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
2009/11/16 16:55:17.776 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: requestChannelCloseAck 2009/11/16 16:55:17.777 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.777 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request closeLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    source = lcse <<null>>
    reason = unknown <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.778 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: closeLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:55:17.778 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5370) RTP Delete logical channel 102 2009/11/16 16:55:17.829 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.830 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response requestChannelCloseAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
2009/11/16 16:55:17.830 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: requestChannelCloseAck 2009/11/16 16:55:17.831 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.831 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request closeLogicalChannel {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    source = lcse <<null>>
    reason = unknown <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.832 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: closeLogicalChannel 2009/11/16 16:55:17.832 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5370) RTP Delete logical channel 103 2009/11/16 16:55:17.847 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.848 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response closeLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101
2009/11/16 16:55:17.848 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: closeLogicalChannelAck 2009/11/16 16:55:17.849 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.850 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request requestChannelClose {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
    reason = normal <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.850 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: requestChannelClose 2009/11/16 16:55:17.851 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.851 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from request requestChannelClose {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103
    reason = normal <<null>>
2009/11/16 16:55:17.852 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5667) H245 Request: requestChannelClose 2009/11/16 16:55:17.872 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.873 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from command endSessionCommand disconnect <<null>> 2009/11/16 16:55:17.873 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(4353) H245 Command: endSessionCommand 2009/11/16 16:55:17.920 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:17.921 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1217) H245 Received from response closeLogicalChannelAck {
    forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102
2009/11/16 16:55:17.921 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(5683) H245 Response: closeLogicalChannelAck 2009/11/16 16:55:18.132 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245s Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:18.132 3 yasocket.cxx(668) H245s Error(0): Input/output error (12:104) 2009/11/16 16:55:18.138 4 RasSrv.cxx(216) RAS Receiving on 2009/11/16 16:55:18.138 2 RasSrv.cxx(175) RAS Read from
2009/11/16 16:55:18.139    3          RasSrv.cxx(224)    RAS
disengageRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 64050
    endpointIdentifier =  10 characters {
      0036 0038 0039 0036 005f 0065 006e 0064   6896_end
      0070 0000                                 p
    conferenceID =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 68 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........h..l<.x
    callReferenceValue = 31495
    disengageReason = normalDrop <<null>>
    callIdentifier = {
      guid =  16 octets {
21 d1 8f f5 e2 ff 18 10 8b 67 00 01 6c 3c c6 78 !........g..l<.x
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  9 characters {
      004f 0066 0066 0069 0063 0065 0047 006b   OfficeGk
      0000                                          }
    answeredCall = false
    usageInformation = {
      nonStandardUsageFields = 0 entries {
      alertingTime = 1258383286
      connectTime = 1258383286
      endTime = 1258383317
    terminationCause = releaseCompleteCauseIE  2 octets {
      80 90                                              ..
2009/11/16 16:55:18.139 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 10 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:55:18.140 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job DRQ at Worker thread 3081194384 2009/11/16 16:55:18.140 1 RasSrv.cxx(354) RAS DRQ Received from 2009/11/16 16:55:18.140 4 RasSrv.cxx(2903) GK DRQ: closed conference 2009/11/16 16:55:18.140 2 RasSrv.cxx(394) DCF||6896_endp|31495|normalDrop|21-d1-8f-f5-e2-ff-18-10-8b-67-00-01-6c-3c-c6-78; 2009/11/16 16:55:18.140 3 RasSrv.cxx(236) RAS Send to
disengageConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 64050
2009/11/16 16:55:18.141 5 RasSrv.cxx(250) RAS Sent Successful 2009/11/16 16:55:18.141 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job DRQ deleted 2009/11/16 16:55:18.141 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 9 busy, 1 idle 2009/11/16 16:55:22.828 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(675) H245d Reading from 2009/11/16 16:55:22.828 5 yasocket.cxx(660) H245d closed by remote 2009/11/16 16:55:22.829 3 yasocket.cxx(577) Q931s Delete socket 2009/11/16 16:55:22.830 3 yasocket.cxx(577) Q931d Delete socket 2009/11/16 16:55:22.989 3 yasocket.cxx(577) RTP Delete socket<=><=> 2009/11/16 16:55:22.989 3 yasocket.cxx(577) RTCP Delete socket<=><=> 2009/11/16 16:55:22.990 3 yasocket.cxx(577) RTP Delete socket<=><=> 2009/11/16 16:55:22.990 3 yasocket.cxx(577) RTCP Delete socket<=><=> 2009/11/16 16:55:22.990 3 yasocket.cxx(577) RTP Delete socket<=><=> 2009/11/16 16:55:22.990 3 yasocket.cxx(577) RTCP Delete socket<=><=> 2009/11/16 16:55:23.617 3 RasTbl.cxx(2177) Gk Delete Call No. 1 2009/11/16 16:55:27.831 3 yasocket.cxx(577) H245d Delete socket 2009/11/16 16:55:27.831 3 yasocket.cxx(577) H245s Delete socket 2009/11/16 16:55:33.399 4 RasSrv.cxx(216) RAS Receiving on 2009/11/16 16:55:33.400 2 RasSrv.cxx(175) RAS Read from
2009/11/16 16:55:33.400    3          RasSrv.cxx(224)    RAS
unregistrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 64051
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          c0 a8 01 0a                                        ....
        port = 1720
    endpointAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=dialedDigits "3456"
      [1]=h323_ID  4 characters {
        004d 0069 006b 0065                       Mike
    endpointIdentifier =  10 characters {
      0036 0038 0039 0036 005f 0065 006e 0064   6896_end
      0070 0000                                 p
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  9 characters {
      004f 0066 0066 0069 0063 0065 0047 006b   OfficeGk
      0000                                          }
2009/11/16 16:55:33.400 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 10 busy, 0 idle 2009/11/16 16:55:33.401 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job URQ at Worker thread 3081194384 2009/11/16 16:55:33.401 1 RasSrv.cxx(354) RAS URQ Received from 2009/11/16 16:55:33.401 2 RasSrv.cxx(394) UCF||6896_endp; 2009/11/16 16:55:33.401 3 RasSrv.cxx(236) RAS Send to
unregistrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 64051
2009/11/16 16:55:33.402 5 RasSrv.cxx(250) RAS Sent Successful 2009/11/16 16:55:33.402 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job URQ deleted 2009/11/16 16:55:33.402 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 9 busy, 1 idle 2009/11/16 16:55:54.225 1 gk.cxx(281) GK Received signal 2 2009/11/16 16:55:54.225 1 RasSrv.cxx(702) GK Stopping RasServer... 2009/11/16 16:55:54.225 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job HouseKeeping deleted 2009/11/16 16:55:54.225 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 10 total - 8 busy, 2 idle 2009/11/16 16:55:54.401 3 yasocket.cxx(544) TCPSrv Select read error: 10 2009/11/16 16:55:54.406 2 singleton.cxx(34) Delete instance: Routing::Analyzer(7 objects left) 2009/11/16 16:55:54.406 1 RasSrv.cxx(1251) GK RasServer stopped 2009/11/16 16:55:54.407 2 gkacct.cxx(1047) GKACCT Successfully logged event 16
Shutting down gatekeeper . . . 2009/11/16 16:55:54.407    
3              gk.cxx(70)    GK    Deleting global reference tables
2009/11/16 16:55:54.407    5             job.cxx(257)    JOB    
Destroying active Workers for the Agent
2009/11/16 16:55:54.407    5             job.cxx(286)    JOB    
Worker threads to cleanup: 10 total - 8 busy, 2 idle
2009/11/16 16:55:54.407    5             job.cxx(245)    JOB    
Waiting for Worker thread 3081194384 termination
2009/11/16 16:55:54.407    4          osutil.cxx(195)    PWLib    
File handle low water mark set: 24 Thread unblock pipe
2009/11/16 16:55:54.407    5        tlibthrd.cxx(378)    PTLib    
Created thread 0x8453f60 Housekeeper
2009/11/16 16:55:54.408    5             job.cxx(427)    JOB    Job 
ProxyH(1) deleted
2009/11/16 16:55:54.408    5             job.cxx(427)    JOB    Job 
ProxyH(2) deleted
2009/11/16 16:55:54.408    5             job.cxx(427)    JOB    Job 
ProxyH(3) deleted
2009/11/16 16:55:54.408    5             job.cxx(427)    JOB    Job 
ProxyH(4) deleted
2009/11/16 16:55:54.408    5             job.cxx(427)    JOB    Job 
ProxyRTP(0) deleted
2009/11/16 16:55:54.409    5             job.cxx(204)    JOB    
Worker 3081194384 closed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.409    3         osutils.cxx(1604)    PTLib    
Thread ended: name="Worker:0xb7a74b90", real=82.646, kernel=0.000 
(0%), user=0.020 (0%), both=0.020 (0%)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.410    3        yasocket.cxx(858)    TCP    
Delete listener
2009/11/16 16:55:54.410    3        yasocket.cxx(858)    TCP    
Delete listener
2009/11/16 16:55:54.410    3        yasocket.cxx(858)    TCP    
Delete listener
2009/11/16 16:55:54.410    3        yasocket.cxx(858)    TCP    
Delete listener
2009/11/16 16:55:54.410    5             job.cxx(427)    JOB    Job 
TCPSrv deleted
2009/11/16 16:55:54.411    5             job.cxx(427)    JOB    Job 
ProxyH(0) deleted
2009/11/16 16:55:54.411    4        tlibthrd.cxx(547)    PTLib    
Thread high water mark set: 13
2009/11/16 16:55:54.412    5        tlibthrd.cxx(454)    PTLib    
Started thread 0x8453f60 Housekeeper:0xb7a33b90
2009/11/16 16:55:54.412    5             job.cxx(164)    JOB    
Worker 3081194384 destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.413    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    
Destroyed thread 0x8450630 Worker:0xb7a74b90(id = b7a74b90)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.413    5             job.cxx(204)    JOB    
Worker 3081460624 closed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.414    3         osutils.cxx(1604)    PTLib    
Thread ended: name="Worker:0xb7ab5b90", real=99.800, kernel=0.000 
(0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.414    5             job.cxx(245)    JOB    
Waiting for Worker thread 3081460624 termination
2009/11/16 16:55:54.415    5             job.cxx(164)    JOB    
Worker 3081460624 destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.415    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    
Destroyed thread 0x844cdd0 Worker:0xb7ab5b90(id = b7ab5b90)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.416    5             job.cxx(204)    JOB    
Worker 3083590544 closed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.417    3         osutils.cxx(1604)    PTLib    
Thread ended: name="Worker:0xb7cbdb90", real=99.855, kernel=0.020 
(0%), user=0.060 (0%), both=0.080 (0%)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.417    5             job.cxx(245)    JOB    
Waiting for Worker thread 3083590544 termination
2009/11/16 16:55:54.418    5             job.cxx(164)    JOB    
Worker 3083590544 destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.418    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    
Destroyed thread 0x842c1c0 Worker:0xb7cbdb90(id = b7cbdb90)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.419    5             job.cxx(204)    JOB    
Worker 3083324304 closed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.419    4          osutil.cxx(195)    PWLib    
File handle low water mark set: 7 PTextFile
2009/11/16 16:55:54.419    3         osutils.cxx(1604)    PTLib    
Thread ended: name="Worker:0xb7c7cb90", real=99.855, kernel=0.000 
(0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.420    5             job.cxx(245)    JOB    
Waiting for Worker thread 3083324304 termination
2009/11/16 16:55:54.420    5             job.cxx(164)    JOB    
Worker 3083324304 destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.421    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    
Destroyed thread 0x842d590 Worker:0xb7c7cb90(id = b7c7cb90)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.422    5             job.cxx(204)    JOB    
Worker 3083058064 closed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.422    3         osutils.cxx(1604)    PTLib    
Thread ended: name="Worker:0xb7c3bb90", real=99.855, kernel=0.000 
(0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.423    5             job.cxx(245)    JOB    
Waiting for Worker thread 3083058064 termination
2009/11/16 16:55:54.423    5             job.cxx(164)    JOB    
Worker 3083058064 destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.424    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    
Destroyed thread 0x8430b78 Worker:0xb7c3bb90(id = b7c3bb90)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.424    5             job.cxx(204)    JOB    
Worker 3082791824 closed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.425    3         osutils.cxx(1604)    PTLib    
Thread ended: name="Worker:0xb7bfab90", real=99.854, kernel=0.000 
(0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.425    5             job.cxx(245)    JOB    
Waiting for Worker thread 3082791824 termination
2009/11/16 16:55:54.426    5             job.cxx(164)    JOB    
Worker 3082791824 destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.427    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    
Destroyed thread 0x8431f48 Worker:0xb7bfab90(id = b7bfab90)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.427    5             job.cxx(204)    JOB    
Worker 3082525584 closed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.428    3         osutils.cxx(1604)    PTLib    
Thread ended: name="Worker:0xb7bb9b90", real=99.854, kernel=0.000 
(0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.428    5             job.cxx(245)    JOB    
Waiting for Worker thread 3082525584 termination
2009/11/16 16:55:54.429    5             job.cxx(164)    JOB    
Worker 3082525584 destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.429    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    
Destroyed thread 0x84343c8 Worker:0xb7bb9b90(id = b7bb9b90)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.430    5             job.cxx(204)    JOB    
Worker 3082259344 closed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.430    3         osutils.cxx(1604)    PTLib    
Thread ended: name="Worker:0xb7b78b90", real=99.854, kernel=0.020 
(0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.020 (0%)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.431    5             job.cxx(245)    JOB    
Waiting for Worker thread 3082259344 termination
2009/11/16 16:55:54.431    5             job.cxx(164)    JOB    
Worker 3082259344 destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.432    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    
Destroyed thread 0x8436848 Worker:0xb7b78b90(id = b7b78b90)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.433    5             job.cxx(427)    JOB    Job 
GkStatus deleted
2009/11/16 16:55:54.433    2       singleton.cxx(34)    Delete 
instance: GkStatus(6 objects left)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.433    5             job.cxx(204)    JOB    
Worker 3081993104 closed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.434    3         osutils.cxx(1604)    PTLib    
Thread ended: name="Worker:0xb7b37b90", real=99.851, kernel=0.000 
(0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.434    5             job.cxx(245)    JOB    
Waiting for Worker thread 3081993104 termination
2009/11/16 16:55:54.435    5             job.cxx(164)    JOB    
Worker 3081993104 destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.435    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    
Destroyed thread 0x8439e30 Worker:0xb7b37b90(id = b7b37b90)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.436    5             job.cxx(204)    JOB    
Worker 3081726864 closed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.436    3         osutils.cxx(1604)    PTLib    
Thread ended: name="Worker:0xb7af6b90", real=99.849, kernel=0.000 
(0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.437    5             job.cxx(245)    JOB    
Waiting for Worker thread 3081726864 termination
2009/11/16 16:55:54.437    5             job.cxx(164)    JOB    
Worker 3081726864 destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.438    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    
Destroyed thread 0x843e3c8 Worker:0xb7af6b90(id = b7af6b90)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.439    5             job.cxx(292)    JOB    
Agent and its Workers destroyed
2009/11/16 16:55:54.439    2       singleton.cxx(34)    Delete 
instance: Agent(5 objects left)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.439    2       singleton.cxx(34)    Delete 
instance: CapacityControl(4 objects left)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.440    2       singleton.cxx(34)    Delete 
instance: CallTable(3 objects left)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.440    3          RasTbl.cxx(501)    Gk    
Delete endpoint: 6896_endp 0
2009/11/16 16:55:54.441    2       singleton.cxx(34)    Delete 
instance: RegistrationTable(2 objects left)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.442    1        GkClient.cxx(921)    GKC    
Delete GkClient
2009/11/16 16:55:54.442    1          RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS    
Delete listener
2009/11/16 16:55:54.442    1          RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS    
Delete listener
2009/11/16 16:55:54.443    1          RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS    
Delete listener
2009/11/16 16:55:54.443    1          RasSrv.cxx(211)    RAS    
Delete listener
2009/11/16 16:55:54.444    5             job.cxx(427)    JOB    Job 
RasSrv deleted
2009/11/16 16:55:54.444    2       singleton.cxx(34)    Delete 
instance: RasSrv(1 objects left)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.445    4          config.cxx(226)    PTLib    
Destroyed PXConfig 0x8423110
2009/11/16 16:55:54.445    4          config.cxx(226)    PTLib    
Destroyed PXConfig 0x8423640
2009/11/16 16:55:54.447    2       singleton.cxx(34)    Delete 
instance: Toolkit(0 objects left)
2009/11/16 16:55:54.448    3              gk.cxx(80)    GK    delete ok
2009/11/16 16:55:59.408 5 tlibthrd.cxx(159) Housekeeping thread ended 2009/11/16 16:55:59.408 3 osutils.cxx(1604) PTLib Thread ended: name="Housekeeper:0xb7a33b90", real=4.996, kernel=0.000 (0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%) 2009/11/16 16:55:59.417 5 tlibthrd.cxx(940) WaitForTermination on 3080928144 finished 2009/11/16 16:55:59.417 5 tlibthrd.cxx(406) PTLib Destroyed thread 0x8453f60 Housekeeper:0xb7a33b90(id = b7a33b90) 2009/11/16 16:55:59.418 3 osutils.cxx(1604) PTLib Thread ended: name="PXConfigWriteThread:0xb7d12b90", real=104.929, kernel=0.000 (0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%) 2009/11/16 16:55:59.419 5 tlibthrd.cxx(940) WaitForTermination on 3083938704 finished 2009/11/16 16:55:59.419 5 tlibthrd.cxx(406) PTLib Destroyed thread 0x8423688 PXConfigWriteThread:0xb7d12b90(id = b7d12b90)
]0;gnugk@gnugk-desktop: ~gnugk@gnugk-desktop:~$

Jan Willamowius wrote:
Just use the -o <file> option when you start GnuGk and all trace output
goes to that file.


Michael Bondi wrote:

Please excuse my ignorance, but how does one get a level 5 trace using PuTTY?
There seems to be too much text that scrolls off the top of the 
screen and I am unable to get a full trace.
I am trying to get the trace of the system calling another through 
two gnugks.

Michael Bondi wrote:

Strangely enough, I am not using ExternalIP= in my Main section as this disallows any external calls to fixed IP addresses with a no route to destination message. With just this setting I am getting the messages. Without, no problems. ??!!
I am using Aethra 6.0.49 hard endpoints at each end and Mirial's 
respectively to see if it is a ver of H.323 difference causing my 
trouble. Mirial seems more versatile, guess it is more ver 6 than 
most soft endpoints.
Both gk's are in the DMZ of their respective routers and with 
port forwarding also, and DNS resolution (mapping a DNS to a 
dynDNS address, crazy, but it works!!) is working to each router 
just fine.
Both endpoints connect ok (Logmein proves it to me), but no audio 
or video either way. I can logmein remote and tell the remote to 
call me and same happens.
I am on a course this week and will resume testing when my brain 
clears, and send the lev 5 trace you asked for. I'm getting too 
much stuff on my network to understand what is important for 
feedback and what is not. Got a small screen and a lousy mouse, a 
fried brain.....


Simon Horne wrote:

H.460.23/.24 should have nothing to do with the problem.
If both gatekeepers are in the DMZ and both as using ExternalIP then it should work. If the signalling is working then it can only be the addresses
of the OLC or the DMZ isn't working.
Micheal send me the level 5 trace of one of the gatekeepers to see exactly
what address is being used.


-----Original Message-----
From: Earl [mailto:Large.Files@xxxxxxx] Sent: Friday, 6 November 2009 11:44 PM
To: GNU Gatekeeper Users
Subject: Re:  Calling through two gnugks


first, for testing I would put both GKs in their DMZs, since they should see any calls on any port.
In summary,
LAN 1 to LAN 2 calls over a double NAT work as far as signaling goes. EPx connected directly to the Inet works for signaling and voice and video via single NAT. LAN 1 to LAN 2 calls over a double NAT do NOT work for voice and video.
LAN 1 to LAN 1 and LAN 2 to LAN 2 calls function correctly.
LAN 1 to LAN 2 calls over a VPN (no NAT) do work for voice and video.
Problem could be:

h460.23/.24 double NAT traversal is not functioning in your case
your port configurations are wrong in GnuGKs
Port configurations between EPs and GnuGKs do not match.
something else

Jan & Simon, do you have any ideas for testing / tracing whether Mike's problem
is media NAT traversal or port problem ?

Does GnuGK status port indicate successful double NAT traversal using h460.23/.24?
If not, would it be possible to add some indication in status 
signals whether
h460.23/.24 was successful or not, or at least some helpful info 
for debugging
NAT traversal problems ?  For example, whether certain 
h460.23/.24 hand-
shaking was completed or not?

Mike, where are your work EPs registered to?      and your home EP?
If work EPs are registered with work GK and home EPs to home GK,
what happens if all EPs register with just one GK? Even if you do not
want to continue this way, as a test it might provide some info.

Regards, Earl

Michael Bondi wrote:

Thanks for your reply.

Firstly, my ADSL routers _are_ registered with dyndns addresses and my and records point to the respective office and home dyndns addresses correctly. That is how I can call from an external public IP to either office or home network and the calls are fine.
The call is definitely going to the right place when I call out 
from my office to my home, I can see it in Etherape running on 
the office gatekeeper machine. I call or 
1234@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and the call is hitting the gnugk on the 
far side ans is going to the dyndns address of the far side 
Note: I do not call the LAN IP of the far side gnugk, I call to 
it's publically accessible IP (DNS record pointing to the 
dyndns address - trust me this works!) the way I would call if 
my external endpoint were on a public IP.
The problem when I have the VPN up, is that the office 
gatekeeper is getting to the right address on the home 
gatekeeper but then the checks for NAT run, and since the VPN 
is in place, connects the call via the VPN. So audio and video 
go through fine. I can again see this happening in Etherape on 
the office gatekeeper.
But, when I have the VPN down or disconnected (as in most 
normal circumstances) and I try calling again via the internet 
to the other side, the call is still going to the right place 
and is being answered as expected, but I get _no audio and 
video_. Now this is where the NAT stuff should kick in as it 
does in the call from the public IP. But again, my public IP is 
not behind a NAT, so I am wondering if my NAT configuration is 
The moment I add to the Main 
section, even the calls between internal endpoints at the 
office fail with the no route to destination message.
What is strange is that calls from a public endpoint outside 
either network to endpoints inside the network go throught 
fine. So that means that it is proxying the calls correctly at 
each respective gnugk.
Now when Endpoint -GK-GK-Endpoint calls are made, it is not 
working correctly for me.
As I mentioned before, I do not want the two GnuGk's to be 
registered with each other, kinda like cellphones on different 
networks must be able to call each other.
I have done port forwarding as per my previous posting as well 
as put the respective gnugk's in the DMZ of each router. Do you 
think I should do both port forwarding and DMZ together? Maybe 
this is my problem.
Maybe I should also be using Stun to check for NAT.

I'll keep trying and posting.


Earl wrote:

I have been following your thread and do not understand why you are having problems with ExternalIP in the Main section. I would think this is necessary
for ADSL modem + router to work correctly.

Would you please try the following experiment:

register with some dynamic DNS service. First check if your router has a built-in dynDNS possibility, and which one(s). If it does, use that one.
Then insert in the main section, for example (here an 
imaginary one)
other entries .... (or whatever dyndns service)

ExternalIsDynamic=0 (since dynDNS address never changes)

ping your dynDNS address to make sure it is working correctly
if not, reboot router.  When working
then try GnuGK and EPs and see what happens and tell us.

Regards, Earl
and many others

Michael Bondi wrote:
When I add the ExternalIP to the Main section, calls inside the LAN are ok, but I cannot then place calls to any unregistered endpoints outside the LAN.
I am on a dynamic ADSL so I also added the 
ExternalIsDynamic=1 but that also doesn't work.
I get a no route to destination error on my endpoints inside 
when I try calling out.

Andrew Struiksma wrote:
I think you need to add your public IP to the main section like this:


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