1. Originating IP/port not matching.
2. destinationInfo prefix not matching AcceptPrefixes. (note that the match is done after rewrite step).
3. Auth failure (in this case you should have something in the -ttttt log).
Anyway, a simple -ttttt log from LRQ/LRJ exchange may put some light on the issue.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruce Ferrell" <bferrell@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:46 AM
Oddly enough, this is exactly the problem I'm having
GnuGK GnuGK Cisco EP--->GK1 ---LRQ--->GK2----->GK3 <---LRJ--- Security denial
EP---------------->GK2----->GK3 call succeeds
Is there anyway to tell why there is a security denial?
As far as I can glean from the manual these are the only sections of the config that can result in security denial:
[Gatekeeper::Auth] default=allow
[RasSrv::RRQAuth] default=confirm
And those setting should allow everything to go through. Have I misunderstood completely?
Chetan Sarva wrote:Steve Miskowitz wrote:
My understanding is that in this example GK1 is the name of your GK and gateway_a should be a profile to use.[Gatekeeper::Main] ; THE Name of the GNUGK system. Name=GNUGK.domain.com
[RasSrv::Neighbors] ; The Name of the neighbor GK1=gateway_a
Form complete.ini:
;; Neighbor gatekeepers are listed in this section. The list has the following
;; format:
;; GkId=GkProfile
;; where GkProfile can be one of:
;; GkProfile := "GnuGK" | "CiscoGK" | "ClarentGK" | "GlonetGK"
;; | <OldGk - old gnu gk format>
I'm not sure why there is another setting for GatekeeperIdentifier as that seems a bit redundant. In any case, it loads for me now.
The problem now is that my neighbor gk is rejecting the LRQs but I think this is a config issue on that gk.
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